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Teacher Vinny 說...

  Teacher Vinny 在聯絡簿上寫,如昕要好好學習”運動精神”,他是這麼寫的--

Samuel had a good week. However when we play games he gets very upset when he loses. I love competitive spirit, but he has to learn its ok to lose. You do it buddy!


I have been teaching the class that we are happy whether we win or lose because it's just a game and we're having fun. So only smiles are allowed! I think it's very important for students to learn winning and losing.

  感謝主!平常老師就向爸爸媽媽表達他欣賞如昕,而且,他也觀察到如昕該學習的地方,真是太好了。能遇見教導如昕往積極正面態度的老師,真是感謝 神!