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Sophia&Aaron's Mom

Tr. Cat給Sophia爸爸媽媽的話

Hi Parents! In Our World class we have finished up Unit 2 and have started Unit 3.
In Unit 3 we’re learning about transportation, names for types of vehicles and we're describing different ways to travel. We're also learning how to compare and contrast, using the simple present to agree and disagree.
In Reading Class we’re reading "Hot Air Balloons" about hot air balloons and how they fly. In Writing Class, we’re using the word but to connect two ideas that are different in writing about our favorite transportation. For Our Project, we’re making a class bar graph about favorite types of transportation. The “Value” in this unit is to be safe on the street. Demonstrate safe ways to cross the street. Before your child crosses the street, remind him or her to stop, look, and listen.
We have also started working on our Class Show. The students have read through the script several times and now we are starting to work on “blocking” (moving around the stage) and dancing along with the songs.

Sophia is making good progress in class.
She explains herself well and asks good questions!

Happy Hallowe’en!
Teacher Cat