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Sophia&Aaron's Mom

菲 ESL 107-3 美語期末評量成績 



  • 班/組:L4-A

  • 記錄者:盧曉慧

  • 學童姓名: Sophia

  • 學年學期:107 - 3

美語期末評量成績 English Final Assessment Grade

Listening 聽力測驗(總分40分): 40
Reading and Writing 閱讀與寫作測驗(總分100分): 93.5
Speaking 口說測驗(總分50分): 50
Participation 課程參與度(總分10分): 10
Scores Explanation評量說明:
80 ~ 100 Proficient 表現良好 The student demonstrates a full understanding of class content including: reading and writing, listening and speaking. If the student continues to perform at this level they will easily graduate into the next level.

學習觀察紀錄表 Learning Observation Record

Ability 領域 觀察能力指標 Learning Index 學生能夠… The student is able to …… 表現狀況 Grade
A. Vocabulary & Sentence Patterns字彙&句型能力

A-1 表現優異

Identify and name the new vocabulary from units 5-8. 識別並說出第5-8單元中的新單字

A-2 表現優異

Make sentences using new vocabulary, displaying knowledge of the definition, from units 5-8. 使用第5-8單元的新單字造句並呈現字義字意

A-3 表現優異

Participate in activities to form sentences with new Grammar from units 5-8. 使用第5-8單元的句型文法參與課堂學習活動

A-4 表現良好

Use the grammar rules from units 5-8 correctly. 正確且準確的使用第5-8單元的文法規則

A-5 表現良好

Differentiate between various parts of speech. 區分各種單字的詞性

B. Reading Comprehension 閱讀理解能力

B-1 表現優異

Display comprehension of stories and articles in units 5-8 by answering true and false questions. 藉由回答問題,呈現對第5-8單元的主題或是故事的理解能力

B-2 表現優異

Extract information from articles and stories from units 5-8. 從第5-8單元的文章和故事中讀取相關訊息

B-3 表現優異

Silently read and comprehend reading content from units 5-8. 閱讀並理解第5-8單元中的閱讀內文

B-4 表現優異

Summarize reading material from units 5-8. 摘要第5-8單元中的故事文章

B-5 表現優異

Read aloud the Unit Readers from unit 5-8 with fluency and intonation. 閱讀第5-8單元時表現流暢度和清晰語調

C. Writing & Project 基礎&專題寫作能力

C-1 表現優異

Write swiftly and neatly. 書寫迅速且乾淨整齊

C-2 表現良好

Present knowledge of writing conventions such as capitalization and punctuation. 知道寫作的規則,明確標示大寫和標點符號

C-3  表現優異

Take risks when writing original pieces. 在書寫原創作作品時,運用創意完成作品

C-4 表現優異

Follow instructions to complete a project. 按照指令完成專題創作

C-5 表現優異

Present and share their project work to others clearly. 清楚的與他人分享並展示自己的寫作專題

D. 21St Century Skills 21世紀關鍵能力

D-1 表現優異

Collaborate with others to complete projects. 與他人協同合作完成專題創作

D-4 表現優異

Use problem solving strategies in the classroom. 在課室中善用策略解決問題

D. 21St Century Skills 21世紀關鍵能力

D-2 表現優異Communicate thoughts and ideas clearly. 清楚地溝通思想和想法。

D-3 表現優異

Use technology in the classroom. 在課室中善用科技工具(如IPad)


Teacher`s Comments 老師評語

Hi Parents! It’s that time of the year again, time for Final Assessments and Final Comments! We have had quite a fun year! We made some interesting projects! Our Prezis were really cool and the Food Experiments were pretty great, too!

Our class is bright and talkative, so keeping them interested and engaged in class was a challenge but also made our class more fun! Teacher Lucy is great at talking to the students and checking in, making sure they understand what to do and when the students have too much work or big tests coming up, she lets me know so we don’t overload the students. Our class works very well when they are interested in what they are doing, so they love making projects on ipads and also like drawing and designing their work. They put a lot of effort into speeches and Read Aloud this year and it was really tough to choose winners. We decided to change things up this year and since Austin is such a great speaker and usually wins, so we made him a Read Aloud judge! It was a fun exercise and gave other students a chance to win! It was fun!

Sophia has a very good handle on vocabulary and sentence patterns from Units 5-8, including good use of capitalization and punctuation. She can follow instructions and collaborate with others to complete projects and can communicate thoughts and ideas in class clearly and well. Sophia enjoys using technology in the classroom and is able to use good problem solving strategies in the classroom.

Sophia is a great girl! She did really well with her speech this year and she is consistently happy, kind and really a lovely girl to teach! She helps others, asks good questions and gives good answer in class. Sophia’s reading is good and she has a great attitude! I look forward to great things from her in the future!

Congratulations on a great year and good luck in Grade 5!

Teacher Catharine
