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Sophia&Aaron's Mom

綸:2023/06/16 壹年五班 閱讀課程



教材 Textbook:

Oxford Phonics World 2 (OPW2)


單元 Unit:

U7&U8 Review 4.2


課程 Lesson:



頁數 Page:



CD曲目 CD tracks:

Review from units 7 and 8


發音組合 Phonemes/Letters:

Review from units 7 and 8


字彙 Vocabulary:

Review from units 7 and 8


常見視覺字 Sight Words:



閱讀小書 Scholastic Reader:



字詞家族 Word Family:

#23 Dig! (3)


書中常見字 High Frequency Words:

ig, og, id,


句型 Sentence patterns:

dog, kid