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繼續練習英打囉.相信必然會有所收穫的~ Keep going~

這篇文章是介紹關於New Zealand的人文風情.也勾起媽咪當年跟同事自助旅行遊New Zealand 南北島共18天的滿滿回憶喔.
因此順便show 一下當年爬冰河的"壯舉"相片囉..
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行..
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行..
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河
翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河

During the New Zealand summer-November to March in the southern hemisphere-families move into camper vans and tour the country.

About four million people live in New Zealand; Japan's population is more than 30 times as large. And the country- made up of two large islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as several small islands- is still three-fourth Japan's size.

What fills up all that extra space? New Zealand has astonishingly beautiful mountains, rivers, forests, fiords, glaciers, towns, cities, gullies, gorges, vineyards, and also is home to the bridge where bungee-jumping got its start. (If you've seen Lord of the Rings, you may believe New Zealand also has a lot of hobbits, though in reality it does not.)

When my boy friend Brian and I were in Zew Zeland this pass summer, we met families who were Kayaking fiords, climbing mountains and looking for non-exitent hobbits.

At the Franz Josef Glacier, a glacier that borders on temperate rainforest, we met a couple and their 10-year-old daughter who were hiking to see the glacier. The father explained to his daughter that the glacier, which is made of blue ice, sometimes retreats (get smaller), but now is advancing. "It's because this summer is so cold," the father said. (未完成喔..)