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Semester 2 Report 2009~2010

Total number of school days:88days

Language Arts
Throughout the year, Nursery students engage in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Presenting in Language Arts.

Jessie has continued to make progress in her English language skills. Jessie enjoys circle time stories and likes independent reading. Her verbal abilities are developing but sometimes she is shy about speaking. Jessie understands much more that she is able to communicate.

In addition, Jessie’s alphabet identification skills are very strong. This semester she has learned how to hold a pencil correctly. Jessie has also learned how to write her name and enjoys copying from a desktop alphabet sheet.

She continues to like singing and can sing the ABC song in correct order. Jessie could also show me where the vowels are located in the alphabet. She is also very good at identifying letters out of sequence.

Throughout the year, Nursery students explore the Mathematical strands of Number, Shape and Space, Data Handling and Measurement.

Jessie has continued to consolidate her number skills b counting and tagging numbers, identifying numbers in the environment and observing that numbers are not just for counting.

Jessie can count items in a graph but is not yet always able to answer detailed questions related to the graph. She can rote count and touch count to 15.

Jessie has begun to develop her problem solving skills through the challenge of jigsaw puzzles. She likes the larger and more complicated floor puzzles. Jessie enjoyed creating several 3D dice that had different shapes on them.

She was able to match and identify different shapes such as square, triangle, etc. Jessie also knows many colors in English.

Music (Ms Gong)
Jessie enjoys singing and playing in a group and she shows growing skills and confidence in singing independently. Jessie displays responsibility through careful handling and sharing of instruments.

Physical Education (Mr. Eddington)
Jessie is a quiet participant during PE lessons and demonstrates a careful and thoughtful manner when participating in activities. Her locomotor ability has been encouraging as has her balance and coordination skills. Jessie take care when working with her teammates and always can be relied on to use sporting equipment responsibly. Good effort Jessie!

Units of Inquiry
Unit 3 : How we Express Ourselves / Central Idea : We can extend and enjoy our creativity through the Arts.
Unit 4 : How the World Works / Central Idea : Materials have different properties and purposes.

This semester, Jessie continues to be engaged in all the planned activities associated with our units of inquiry. In the unit “How We Express Ourselves”, Jessie fully participated in the music, art, dance and drama units. In particular, she seemed to enjoy art the most. In our units on Materials, Jessie enjoyed the hands-on experiments as well as making and testing related experiments. She was able to identify the steps involved in making and melting ice cubes by placing the photographs in the correct sequence. Jessie picked up vocabulary words words such as soil, seeds, roots etc. Although she was not able to articulate in full sentences the purposes of the materials we studied, she understood via the experiments. She liked making jelly, pudding, cake, and cookies in the classroom. Jessie also enjoyed growing plants during the same unit.

Homeroom Teacher General Comments (Mrs. Opitz-Hsiao)
Transdisciplinary Skills

Jessie has shown improvement in all curriculum areas. She is relaxed and happy at school, and shw enjoys a range of activities in the classroom. Jessie enjoys playing with others but can also play by herself if she is focused on an activity. She is well liked by her classmates. We continue to encourage Jessie to take the initiative and not wait for someone to make a suggestion of what she can do during free play. Most recently she has been drawing with markers and colored pencils almost every day. Jessie is extremely capable on the area of self management and rarely needs adult assistance with routine tasks. It has been a pleasure having her in the class this semester. Good job Jessie!