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week 10 report

Dear Parents,

It has been a hectic week with both the Maths Morning and Assemblies. Thank-you to those parents who were able to attend one or both events. For those who were unable to there will be plenty of opportunities throughout the year to come and visit the class.

We have been working on our Assessment for our unit 'Who am I' and have made a book highlighting things that are special about us.

In Language Arts we have been working on the letter 't' and different activities related to the letter. The children particularly enjoyed making the tiger puppets.

In Maths we have been working on patterns using 3 colours, counting to 30, 1 to 1 correspondence for the numbers 11 - 20 and making shapes with the pattern blocks.

Just a reminder that swimming is part of the BCIS curriculum and the children need to be swimming every week. I understand that there are concerns due to the change in weather. We make every effort to make sure the children are properly dressed and warm. Please make sure they have a swim cap.

Please mark on your calendars the date and time of your Parent Teacher Conference and return the form by Monday November 1st. This is to help us with the organisation of the day.

I am still waiting on some 2 stars and a target form. If you have not return can you please return on Monday.

On a sad note Pratham Patil and his family are leaving us and moving to Shanghai. Miss Cathy and I wish them all the best in their new life in Shanghai.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Rebecca Dobson

PreKindergarten Teacher/Team Faciliator