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Show and Tell

Dear Parents,

KGM is going to be doing activities in Speaking and Listening.
One activity we will be doing is called 'Show and Tell'.

Your child will bring home a secret box when it is their turn to do show and tell.
With your help they need to bring to school something beginning with the letter of the alphabet we are working on.

For example
This week we are doing the letter M.
Your child may have a toy Monkey or Mouse or something else to put in the box for show and tell.
Almost anything is ok but it must start with the letter 'M'.
Your child will tell you what letter we are working on.
Next week will be a different letter.

Your child will then bring the box back to school with the secret item and describe the secret item to the class during show and tell time.
The other students must guess what it is.
The next time it is your child's turn it will be a different letter.

This is a highly educational activity inspiring confidence and language. Also the children love it.

Your support is much appreciated.
Feel free to email me if you feel the need.

best regards