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weekly update

We hope you had an enjoyable long weekend with your children at home. We were involved in Professional Development training in regard to assessment and have come away with some new ideas and things to trial.

Thank you to those who have sent back the Two Stars and a Target form with your comments added, if you still haven't returned it please fill it in and send it back as soon as possible, as this is an important tool for reflection that we often use in class.

On Thursday you will have received the Scholastic Book Club catalogue. If you want to order some books for your child please fill in the order form and send it back to school by Tuesday 8th November with the correct money. These will hopefully be filled before the Winter break (16th December).

Next week we are starting a new Unit of Inquiry about Jobs that people do in our community we will send more information home next week, but wanted to ask if any parents are willing to come into school to do a presentation about what you do for work, at some stage in the next 6 weeks.

The children will be working on asking questions to find information as well as learning about the variety of jobs that people could do. If you could email your classroom teacher if you are interested and your availability, it would be a great start to us planning these times for the next 6 weeks.
