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A busy day 移動

整天的移動 晚上甫甫睡到不行..聯邦他洗澡都可以省了 呵 不過聽說明天的天氣是很冷的 行李居然可以超重 我們扛兩大2小 兩相大的都28kg 居然還可以上衣個小箱 真是果然帶著孩子是可以偷跑ㄋ!!
am7.00--go to airport
am9.50-fly to hk ivan sleep 1h20m thanks god!haha
am11.30-arrival hk going to vip have some lunch mom tired!!
pm1.10-gly to SH PM3.30 this time we have''t so lucky as ivan no sleep ,he just want go to every where .and papa sleep 1.30h mam was go to every where
pm4.00 take the taxi to Woo-Shi.pm8.00 arrival
and ivan was sleep in papa''s hand
pm10.00 wake up mama sleep

in china is so noisy every cars noisy and man was rul i think .we must to study every thing in here