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If you were a contraction by Trisha Speed Shaskan

If you were a contraction…your best friend would be the apostrophe!
~You would change “could not” to COULDN’T and “would not” to WOULDN’T.

If you were a contraction, you would be made by combining two words and leaving out a letter or letters. You would use an apostrophe to take the place of the missing letter or letters.
~”WHO’S going to the store?” Mama asks.
~”I’M going,” says Papa.
~”I’M going,” says Sister.
~”WE’RE all going!” Brother says.
1. “Who is” = WHO’S.
2. “I am” = I’M.
3. “We are” = WE’RE.

If you were a contraction, you could add the word “not” to another word.
~”Papa, DON’T hog the pancakes. You SHOULDN’T overeat,” Mama said.
~”DON’T worry. I WOULDN’T dream of it,” Papa said.
1. “Do not” = DON’T
2. “Should not” = SHOULDN’T
3. “Would not” = WOULDN’T

If you were a contraction, you could add the word “is” to another word.
~”WHO’S missing a hat?” Mama asked.
~”I am,” Sister said. “WHERE’S my hat now?”
~”IT’S right here,” Brother said.
1. “Who is” = WHO’S
2. “Where is” = WHERE’S
3. “It is” = IT’S

If you were a contraction, you could add the word “are” to another word.
~The family enjoys the beach. THEY’RE building a sand sculpture.
~”WE’RE creating a piece of art!” Sister exclaimed. “And YOU’RE all dirty!” Papa said.
1. “They are” = THEY’RE
2. “We are” = WE’RE
3. “You are” = YOU’RE

If you were a contraction, you could pair the pronoun “I” with another word.
~”I’M wearing my rubber boots so I can splash in the puddles!” Sister says.
~”I’LL wear my raincoat,” Brother says.
~”I’D wear rubber boots and a coat,” Papa says.
1. “I am” = I’M
2. “I will” = I’LL
3. “I would” = I’D

If you were a contraction, you could talk about the past. You could explain what did and did not happen.
~The Pigs HADN’T cleaned the house for a long time.
~”We SHOULD’VE remembered to take out the trash,” Mama said.
~”It WOULD’VE helped with the smell,” Papa said.
~”It COULD’VE helped with the bugs, too,” Brother said.
1. “Had not” = HADN’T
2. “Should have” = SHOULD’VE
3. “Would have” = WOULD’VE
4. “Could have” = COULD’VE

If you were a contraction, you could take place in the present.
~”WHAT’S for dinner?” Papa asks.
~”I’M having cookies,” Brother says.
~”I’M having popcorn,” Sister says.
~”LET’S have pasta,” Mama says.
~Everyone says, “THAT’S a great idea!”
1. “What is” = WHAT’S
2. “I am” = I’M
3. “Let us” = LET’S
4. “That is” = THAT’S

If you were a contraction, you could take place in the future.
~Papa says HE’LL learn to play the trombone.
~Sister says SHE’LL learn to play the trumpet.
~Mama says SHE’LL learn to be a singer.
~Brother says HE’LL learn to play the piano.
~THEY’LL be one fun family band!
1. “He will” = HE’LL
2. “She will” = SHE’LL
3. “They will” = THEY’LL

You and the apostrophe would always shorten things up if you were a contraction.