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文法繪本內容~homonym & homophone

If you were a homonym or a homophone by Nancy Loewen

~If you were a homonym, you could BARK at the BARK, while you COAST along the COAST.

~You could ROLL with your ROLL and TOAST with your TOAST.

If you were a homonym, you would be spelled and pronounced the same as another word, but you would have a different meaning, like this:
~MAY I go on vacation in MAY?
~He CAN drink from that CAN faster than anyone!

If you were a homonym, you would need clues like pictures or words to make sense.
~This LIGHT is not very LIGHT.
~The LEAN pig could LEAN on a friend.

~If you were a homophone, you’d grow HOARSE yelling at your HORSE, saying “HEY! Don’t eat all of that HAY!”

If you were a homophone, you would be pronounced the same as another word, but you would have a different spelling and a different meaning.
~He waved his SHOE to SHOO away the pesky bug.
~The wind BLEW the BLUE balloons away.
~Sam wants to MARRY the very MERRY MARY.

If you were a homophone, you could be a contraction. A contraction is two words that are combined into one. In a contraction, at least one of the letters is replaced by an apostrophe.
~YOU’RE and YOUR are often confused. YOU’RE means you are. YOUR means that something belongs to you.
~YOU’RE supposed to wear YOUR red shirt for the family picture.

If you were a homophone, you would need to be spelled correctly for the sentence to make sense. THERE, THEIR, and THERE ARE commonly confused.
~For example, THERE means a place. THEIR shows possession. THERE IS a contraction for they are.
~THEY’RE riding THEIR bikes over THERE.

If you were a homophone, you could be a number but sound the same as another word.
~He went TO the store TO buy TWO jugs of milk. He bought some juice, TOO.
~Be ready FOR the show by FOUR o’clock.
~She was the only ONE who WON the spelling bee.

If you were a homonym or homophone, you could work together.
~He ATE EIGHT jars of JAM as he sat in the traffic JAM.

You would be the same and still be different, if you were a homonym or homophone!

TIP: Here is a good way to remember which is which. The “nym” in homonym means “name”. Homonyms are words with the same name. They are spelled the same. What do you do on a phone? You talk and listen. Homomphones are words that sounds alike.