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本週進度: [數學] ~玩數學寶盒+寫"幼兒綜合練習本"數學概念部份 [中文] ~唸ㄅㄆㄇ動物歌謠 ~練習描寫注音"幼兒綜合練習本" [英文] ~學習HOP Grade 2, Blue level Workbook three letter beginnings spl, squ, kn, wr, and special sounds for C & G 學習內容: 練習發音的單字: spl splash, splat, splint, split 練習發音的單字: squ squeak, square, squint, squirt, squawk, squish, squirm, squeal, squid, squeeze 練習發音的單字: kn 像N的發音,K是無聲的 knee, know, knock, kneel, knit, knelt, knob, knot, knight, knack, known, knife 練習發音的單字: wr wrap, wreck, wring, wrist, write, wrong, wrote, wrench, written, wreath 練習發音的單字: c 像S的聲音 cent, mice, peace, face, cinch, ice, dance, slice, fence, price, since, rice, spice, race, nice, space, twice, place 練習發音的單字: g 像J的發音 gem, age, gel, stage, rage, wage, page, sage, cage 短文分享: The Dancing Mice The dancing mice look oh so nice! They dance on stage, not in a cage. They sing a song. No notes are wrong. They kneel on knees. They never sneeze! There are mice in lace and mice in place. They smile and grin. They twirl and spin. I find it odd that mice act this way. Just think what they'd do if a cat came to play! Sounding Out Words: jig saw = jigsaw pen cil= pencil mush room = mushroom light ning = lightning see saw = seesaw car toon = cartoon rac coon = raccoon prin cess = princess bam boo = bamboo pow der = powder 短文分享: Books A book is like a sailing ship. Each story takes you on a trip. You get to see an igloo, or a baboon, a whale, and lots lots more. It's magic! All you need to do is pick a book that's right for you. Some are funny, and some are sad. Some make you cry. Some make you glad. A hundred places you can see! A hundred things you get to be! A princess or a big brave knight! A goldfish or a beam of light! There are lots of things to know, like why a lightning bolt can glow, or how a big bird makes a nest, or which ball player is the best. There is no game more fun to play than reading on a rainy day. Just take your pick, then take a look! There is no magic like a book! 閱讀: HOP Book 30, The Party [音樂] ~去國家戲劇院看第一齣現代歌劇:A Bouquet of Flowers(一束花)by Martinu ~去Valdstejnska花園看兒童劇場:國王的新衣 & 穿靴子的貓 (兩場演出都是布拉格之春音樂節的節目) [地理] ~印尼大使館文化節,看印尼傳統舞蹈和吃印尼小吃! [外語] ~和媽媽學習簡單的生活日語 [美勞/藝術欣賞] ~塗鴉 [體育/戶外教學] ~去Vrbice享受鄉村之美



本週進度: [數學] ~玩數學寶盒+寫"幼兒綜合練習本"數學概念部份 [中文] ~學會應用"登樂遊原"(看到夕陽就會背出詩詞) 向晚意不適 驅車登古原 夕陽無限好 只是近黃昏 ~練習描寫注音"幼兒綜合練習本" [英文] ~學習HOP Grade 2, Blue level Workbook oo sounds and ending sounds igh & ind 學習內容: 練習發音的單字: oo 像長U的聲音 zoo, moon, cool, too, zoom, hoop, noon, tooth, goose, loop, room, smooth, soon, boot, scoop, broom, food, spoon 練習發音的單字: oo 像長O的聲音 book, cook, wool, look, crook, shook, good, hoof, foot, took, hood, stood, wood, hook, brook 練習發音的單字: igh 像長I的聲音 high, night, sigh, thigh, sight, fight, tight, flight, might, fright, bright, right, slight, light 練習發音的單字: ind 像長I的聲音加nd的發音 find, mind, grind, winding, blind, kind, rind, bind 短文分享: The Seeing Eye Dog Midnight is a big, smart dog. He likes helping the kind man. The man is blind and cannot see. The man loves the dog. He pats Midnight and smiles. "You are my best pal." Midnight helps the man find his way. He stops at the street corner. Are cars near? Midnight looks to see. Midnight gives the man the gift of sight. That is why we call him a "seeing eye dog." 閱讀: HOP Book 28, Mother Night [音樂] ~去布拉格音樂學院看布拉格之春小號國際音樂比賽複賽 [外語] ~和哥哥學唱法文童謠 [美勞/藝術欣賞] ~塗鴉 [體育/戶外教學] ~布拉格親子馬拉松



本週進度: [數學] ~玩數學寶盒+寫"幼兒綜合練習本"數學概念部份 [中文] ~練習描寫注音"幼兒綜合練習本" [英文] ~學習HOP Grade 2, Blue level Workbook two vowel sounds oy, oi, ou, ow, au, aw 學習內容: 練習發音的單字: oy toy, joy, coy, soy, boy, Roy 練習發音的單字: oi boil, coin, soil, oink, broil, oil, spoil, coil, join, joint, moist, point 練習發音的單字: ou out, cloud, mouse, found, loud, couch, ground, crouch, proud, shout, mouth, sound, south, trout, round, scout, count, ouch 練習發音的單字: ow cow, bow, now, croud, gown, brow, plow, crown, fowl, town, how, brown, down, owl, growl, clown, frown, howl 短文分享: Crabby Couch I am a couch. I am a grouch. You can see, toys sit on me. OUCH! I like to howl. I like to growl. It's a big crowd! It's way too loud! OUCH! I'd like to shout, "GET OUT! GET OUT!" But couches do not get to weep, or shout, or whine, or go to sleep! OUCH! So at night when it is dark, I play that I am a big shark. They sit on me in a big bunch. That's when I munch them all for lunch! CRUNCH! 練習發音的單字: au haul, Paul, launch, haunt, fault 練習發音的單字: aw law, claw, yawn, thaw, crawl, jaw, draw, paw, flaw, lawn, raw, pawn, shawl, saw, dawn, hawk 閱讀: HOP Book 27, The Cereal Box [音樂] ~捷克民俗音樂 [美勞/藝術欣賞] ~當地陪帶叔叔阿姨去看布拉格的好看的建築物 [體育/戶外教學] ~很稱職的小地陪,陪逛五六個小時都不喊累!呵呵,有小姐姐可以玩更愉快!



本週進度: [數學] ~幼兒綜合數學練習本 [中文] ~弟子規 & 自己閱讀繪本 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Grade one, Orange Workbook two letter sounds fr, br, cr, pr, dr, qu, tr 學習內容: 練習單字的發音:fr Fran, frill, frog, frock, Fred 練習單字的發音:br bran, brass, brad, Brad, brim, brick, Brett 練習單字的發音:cr crab, cram, crack, crib, crop, cross 練習單字的發音:pr prim, prick, prom, prod, press 短文分享:The Hot Dogs Brad flips 1 hot dog on the grill. It flops onto the grass. Spot grabs the hot dog. Yum! Brad flips 2 hot dogs on the grill. They flop onto the grass. Yum! Yum! Brad flips 3 hot dogs on the grill. They flop onto the grass. Yum! Yum! Yum! Greg comes to the grill. "Where are the hot dogs?" "Ask Spot!" says Brad with a grin. 練習單字的發音:dr drag, drab, drill, drip, drop, drum, drug, dress 練習單字的發音:qu quck, quiz, quit, quill, quick 練習單字的發音:tr trap, tram, track, trip, trim, trick, trot, truck, trek 短文分享:Miss Prim's Hat Miss Prim has a hat and a bag. The hat is too big! Miss Prim trips. The hat drops, and the bag tips. The Miss Prim trips on the hat! Red jam drips on the hat. The eggs drop, too! CRACK! What a mess! Quick, Miss Prim! Fix it! Miss Prim trims the hat. Now do you like Miss Prim's hat? Helper Words: so, her, have, first, from, come, ask, say, their, down, they, thank, go 短文分享:Pam's Picnic Pam is on a picnic. So are the bugs! They have her hot dogs. They have the buns, too! They have her jam. They have her ham, too! They have her chips. They have the nuts, too! 新學課程:閱讀Grade 1, Orange level HOP Book #18 "Skip & Spin Swim with Dolphins" [音樂] ~國語兒歌 & 柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲 [地理] ~世界國旗足球 [外語] ~練習捷克文的數數 [美勞/藝術欣賞] ~練習拍照 ~參觀Podebrady城堡 [體育/戶外教學] ~學騎腳踏車(有加輔助輪子) ~到Podebrady溫泉小鎮觀光!



本週進度: [數學] ~自己寫數學遊戲書 [中文] ~繼續背誦「弟子規」 ~自己描寫注音符號 ~開始看國字卡識字 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Grade One Orange Workbook, two letter sounds sc, sk, st, sw 學習內容: 練習發音的單字:sc scat, scab, scan, Scott, scuff 練習發音的單字:sk skip, skid, skill, skim, skin, skit, skull 練習發音的單字:sw swam, swim, Swiss, swum, swell 練習發音的單字:st staff, stab, stag, Stan, stack, still, still stick, stop, stock, stub, stuff, stun, stuck, stem, step 短文分享:The Pals Can you spot all the pals? Mom's van stops for Pam. Dan pets Scal the cat. Ann spells C-A-T. Jim tags Nan. Pat sits on the steps. Scuff sniffs a bug. Max swims. Scott digs a pit. Nell and Jill skip. Stan skids in the mud. Helper Words: Say, go, from, ask, down, come, thank 短文分享: Let's Go! Go from the ship to the bus. From the bus, go up the hill. Then go from the hill to the hut. Now go from the hut to the shed. From the shed, go to the bed. You did it! 短文分享: Where is My Ham? "Where is my ham?" asks Gus. The dogs say, "Ask the cats." "Cats, where is my ham?" The cats say, " Ask the hogs." "Hogs, where is my ham?" "Ask the rats," the hogs say. "Rats, where is my ham?" The rats say, "Ask the pups." "Pups, where is my ham?" "Ask Fox, " say the pups. "Fox, where is my ham?" "YUM!" says Fox. 新學課程:閱讀Grade 1, Orange level HOP Book #16 "Slam & Dunk Go to the Moon" [音樂] ~聽德弗札克精選集 [地理] ~看公視節目DVD「鄉遊札記~桃園縣復興鄉」 [外語] ~跟哥哥學唱法文兒歌 [美勞] ~做復活節美勞 [體育] ~參加哥哥學校和Zofin餐廳的復活節活動及去復活節市集玩!



本週進度: [數學] ~複習十的分與合 ~描寫數字1-10 [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~自己聽注音符號導讀CD,「品德小故事」CD,「童詩欣賞」CD ~自己描寫注音符號 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Grade One Orange Workbook, two letter sounds ch,th,sh,wh,sm, sn, sp, sl 學習內容: 練習發音的單字:ch chick, chop, chug, chum, Chuck, chess, check 練習發音的單字:th thin, thick, thud, that, than, this, them, then 短文分享: Matt and Tom Matt and Tom are pals. Tom chops with an ax. But Matt chats. "Do not chat, Matt!" says Tom. "We need to chop!" "OK," says Matt. "Let's chop!" Matt and Tom chop the logs. WAP! BAM! "We did it!" Not Mat and Tom can chat. 練習發音的單字:sh shall, shag, shack, ship, shin, shop, shot, shock, shut, shed, shell 練習發音的單字:wh whip, whiz, whiff, whim, when 練習發音的單字:sm smack, smog, smock, smug, smell 練習發音的單字:sn snap, snag, snack, snip, sniff, snug, snub, snuck 練習發音的單字:sp span, spin, spill, spit, spot, spun, sped, spell 練習發音的單字:sl slam, slab, slap, slacks, slid, slim, slip, slit, slick, slot, slug, sled 短文分享:The Sled Jan has a sled. Jan sleds. Jan spins into Lin! Then Lin gets the sled. Lin sleds. Lin spins into Jan! It is fun to sled! Helper Words: thank, down, come 短文分享: Sam did it! Can the cat come down? He can! He did it! Dan needs to come down, too! He hops down! Can Jim com down? He comes down! Sam can come down, too! He did it! 短文分享: Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Mom! Thank you for the bat and mitt. Thank you for the dog and cat. Thank you, Mom, for all the hugs. Thank you for what you do for me. ~Jack 新學課程:閱讀Grade 1, Orange level HOP Book #15 "Slam & Dunk and The Big Game" [音樂] ~聽史邁塔納的精選CD & 聽布拉格音樂學校與捷克國寶級的小提琴家~Josef Suk的協奏曲之夜(Josef Suk是捷克作曲家德弗札克的外孫!) [地理] ~看世界小百科複習各國國旗 [外語] ~自己唸捷克文數字 [美勞] ~著色和塗鴉 [體育] ~週一至週五爬六十層階梯及去復活節市集玩!



本週進度: [數學] ~開始康軒版的數學一上,共有九個單元。本週每周學習兩個單元 1.數數看~認識1-10、寫數字、我會做、玩遊戲 2.比長短~比比看、畫畫看、剪剪看、直線和曲線 ~開始自己操作數學遊戲盒,學習個位數字加法 [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~自己唸ㄅㄆㄇ動物歌謠 ~自己翻閱中文繪本認字 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Yellow Workbook, short vowel sounds 學習內容: 複習所有字母的自然發音及short "a" sounds 、 short "i" sounds、short "o" sounds、short "u" sounds,新學課程short "e" sounds 閱讀書本: HOP BOOKS "Rag Gets Wet", "Hip-O Gets a Pet", "Tick-Tock", "Tick-Tock Gets a Pal" 練習發音的單字:ed Bed, Ed, fed, led, Ned, red, Ted, wed 短文分享:Ned and Ted This is Ned. This is Ted. Ned is big, but Ted is not. Ned and Ted run in the mud. Ned and Ted hop in the tub. Ne and Ted sit in the sun. Ned and Ted hop in bed. "ZZZZZ!" 練習發音的單字:et Bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet 練習發音的單字:en Ben, den, hen, men, pen, ten Helper Words: 這些字是常用的單字,為了方便小朋友唸更完整的故事,教材裡就會慢慢加入這些直接唸出來的生字。 You, are, he, be, what, like, see, of, look, we, this, with, ways, do, too 練習發音的單字:eg Beg, leg, peg, egg 練習發音的單字:el Mel, bell, fell, sell, tell, well, yell Helper Words: Want, my, for, look, be, no, he, do, are, see, too, of, you, we 短文分享:What Do You Want? "What do you want?" sayd Mel. "I want a cap for my dad." "My, my! What a cap!" says Jan. Mel says, "What do you want?" Sam says, "A fan for my mom." "A fan for you, Mom!" "What do you want?" says Mel. "I want a bed for my dog." "This big bed is for us!" 練習發 "ck" 的聲音: ack~ back, Jack, lack, pack, rack, sack ick~ Dick, kick, lick, pick, Rick, sick ock~ dock, lock, rock, sock uck~ buck, duck, luck, puck, suck, tuck eck~ deck, neck, peck Helper Words: Where, play, game, he, too, for, my, says, look, be, want, do, of, are 短文分享:The Big Game I play on the Top Dogs. We play a game with the Red Jets. "Play well," says Bob. "And play for fun!" The game is on! I zig and zag. I kick it! It zips to Tim. Tim kicks it into the net. What a play! We win the game! Helper Words: Now, need, me, of, too, where, my, look, for, play, want, game 短文分享:Run! Now! Rat needs to run now! Now Cat needs to run, too! And Dog needs to run now! And Pig needs to run now! Now Fox needs to run, too! 總複習:練習發音的遊戲 拿出母音的字卡,把它們擺中間。前後讓小朋友隨意擺其他的字母,請小朋友把自己拼的英文字用自然發音法唸出來。這是小朋友自己拼的字,能唸出來會很有成就感。 [音樂] ~聽法文歌謠 [地理] ~全家一起看公視節目DVD「鄉遊札記~埔里」 [外語] ~和哥哥一起看捷文童書 [美勞] ~著色和塗鴉 [體育] ~週一至週五爬六十層階梯



本週進度: [數學] ~玩數字1-100的拼圖大進步! 全部在半小時內完成! [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~練習描寫注音符號ㄎ到ㄒ ~自己翻閱中文繪本認字 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Yellow Workbook, short vowel sounds 學習內容: 複習所有字母的自然發音及short "a" sounds 、 short "i" sounds、short "o" sounds,新課程short "u" sounds 閱讀書本: HOP BOOKS "Tub Fun" & "Dog Bug" 練習發音的單字:ug bug, dug, hug, jug, mug, rug, tug 短文分享:Bugs and Dogs Bugs and dogs. The bugs like the dogs. The dogs jog. The bugs sit. The dogs dig. The bugs sit. The dogs bat. The bugs sit. The dogs tug. The bugs sit. The dogs sit. The bugs pat the dogs. The dogs and bugs hug. 練習發音的單字:un Bun, gun, nun, run, sun, fun 練習發音的單字:ub Cub, hub, rub, tub Helper Words: 這些字是常用的單字,為了方便小朋友唸更完整的故事,教材裡就會慢慢加入這些直接唸出來的生字。 this, say, of, no, has, to, the, what, see, like, we, is, with 短文分享:Bug Fun This bug says, "Hop!" This bug says, "Dig!" This bug says, "Pop!" This bug says, "Jig!" "DOGS!" says this bug. "RUN!" Lots of dogs! Lots of bugs! Lots of fun! 練習發音的單字:ut But, Cut, gut, hut, nut, rut, mutt, putt 練習發音的單字:up Cup, pup 短文分享:Cub and Pup Cub and Pup dig. "Tug this rug to the pit. We can sit on it!" says Pup. Cub and pup sit. A big bug runs in. "A bug! RUN!" Cub and Pup run. The bug sits on the rug. "Not bad! I like this rug!" Helper Words: Too, look, do, this, has, no, see, what, of, like, with, we, says 短文分享:Look! Look what bugs do. Bug hop on hot dogs! Look what cats do. Cats rip up rugs! Look what dogs do. Dogs run in mud! Dads look at bugs. But dads do not hug bugs! Look what dads do. Dads hug kids, dogs, and cats! 總複習:練習發音的遊戲 拿出母音的字卡,把它們擺中間。前後讓小朋友隨意擺其他的字母,請小朋友把自己拼的英文字用自然發音法唸出來。這是小朋友自己拼的字,能唸出來會很有成就感。 [音樂] ~捷克傳統民俗音樂 [地理] ~全家一起看和介紹農曆新年的DVD「年」 [外語] ~和哥哥一起看法文童書 [美勞] ~著色和塗鴉 [體育] ~週一至週五爬六十層階梯



本週進度: [數學] ~和哥哥玩數字遊戲 [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~自己看書唸唐詩「春怨」,「獨坐敬亭山」,「登鸛鵲樓」,「怨情」 ~自己翻閱中文繪本認字 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Yellow Workbook, short vowel sounds 學習內容: 複習所有字母的自然發音及short "a" sounds 及 short "i" sounds,新課程short "o" sounds 閱讀書本: HOP BOOKS "Pop Fox" & "The Fog" 練習發音的單字:ox Box, fox 短文分享:Fox, Ox, and the Box Fox. Box. Can Fox ift in the box? Fox fits in the box. Ox. Can Ox fit on the box? Ox is on the box. Ox rips the box! 練習發音的單字:ot Cot, dot, got, hot, lot, not, pot, rot 練習發音的單字:op Hop, mop, pop, top Helper Words: 這些字是常用的單字,為了方便小朋友唸更完整的故事,教材裡就會慢慢加入這些直接唸出來的生字。 With, what, has, to, and, like, on, the, is 短文分享:What Has Dots? What has dots? Pots with dots. What has wigs? Pigs with wigs. What has tops? Pots with tops. What has mops? Pigs with mops. 短文分享:What Has Caps? What has hats? Cats with hats. What has bats? Rats with bats. What has mitts? Cats with mitts. What has caps? Rats with caps. 練習發音的單字:og Dog, fog, hog, jog, log 練習發音的單字:ob Bob, job, rob, mob, sob Helper Words: We, see, no, on, has, like, what, and, with, the, to, is 總複習:練習發音的遊戲 拿出母音的字卡,把它們擺中間。前後讓小朋友隨意擺其他的字母,請小朋友把自己拼的英文字用自然發音法唸出來。這是小朋友自己拼的字,能唸出來會很有成就感。 [音樂] ~聽古典進行曲集 [地理] ~全家一起看公視節目DVD「鄉遊札記~蘇澳天然港」 [外語] ~學哥哥用法文講顏色的名稱 [美勞] ~著色和塗鴉 [體育] ~過年走春逛布拉格舊城及城堡



本週進度: [數學] ~畫完一本1-40的數字連連看 [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~自己看書唸唐詩「春曉」,「憫農詩」,「靜夜思」,「江雪」,「相思」 ~自己翻閱中文繪本認字 [英文] ~學習Hooked on Phonics Yellow Workbook, short vowel sounds 學習內容: 複習所有字母的自然發音及short "a" sounds,新課程short "i" sounds 閱讀書本: HOP BOOK 3 "Pig Wig", HOP BOOK 4 "Pig Wig Can Hit", HOP BOOK 5 "Tag" 練習發音的單字: ig ig, big, fig, pig, wig, dig 短文分享: Big Pig Pig. Pig is big! Pig can dig. Dig, dig, dig. Cat. Cat can dig. Dig, dig, dig. Pig and Cat can dig. 練習發音的單字:id id, bid, hid, kid, did, lid, rid 短文分享: Matt Hid Matt. Matt hid. Fat Cat. Fat Cat hid. Matt ran. Fat Cat ran. Fat Cat and Matt ran. Fat Cat hid Matt. Helper Words: 這些字是常用的單字,為了方便小朋友唸更完整的故事,教材裡就會慢慢加入這些直接唸出來的生字。 the, is, and, on, like, to 短文分享: On the Mat The rat is on the mat. And the cat is on the rat. And the pig is on the cat. And the wig is on the pig. And the hat in on the wig. And the bat is on the hat! 練習發音的單字:it it, bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, mitt 練習發音的單字:in in, fin, pin, tin, win, inn 練習發音的單字:ip ip, dip, hip, lip, rip, sip, tip, zip 短文分享:I like it! I like to dig. I like to zip. I like to nap. I like to dip. I like to zig. I like to zag. I like to wag! 總複習:練習發音的遊戲 拿出a和i的字卡,把它們擺中間。前後讓小朋友隨意擺其他的字母(o,u,e不要用),請小朋友把自己拼的英文字用自然發音法唸出來。這是小朋友自己拼的字,能唸出來會很有成就感。 [音樂] ~聽法文精選歌曲 [地理] ~全家一起看公視節目DVD「鄉遊札記~橋頭蔗糖」 [外語] ~學哥哥用法文打招呼及學習顏色的名稱 ~學哥哥用捷克文說數字 [美勞] ~著色和塗鴉 [體育] ~玩雪



本週進度: [數學] ~畫完一本1-50的數字連連看 [中文] ~每天唸一次「弟子規」,加強聲調的練習順便認國。 ~練習描寫注音符號ㄅ到ㄍ ~自己開始聽CD及看書學習「三字經」 [英文] ~開始學習Hooked on Phonics Yellow Workbook, short vowel sounds 學習內容: 所有字母的自然發音及short "a" sounds 閱讀書本:HOP BOOK 1 "Cat", HOP BOOK 2 "Rag" 練習發音的單字: at at, mat, sat, rat, bat, cat, pat, fat, hat 短文分享: Fat Cat, Fat Rat Cat. Rat. Cat sat. Rat sat. Cat sat, sat, sat. Rat sat, sat, sat. Fat, fat cat. Fat, fat rat. 練習發音的單字:an an, man, fan, Jan, can, Dan, pan, ran, tan, van, Ann 短文分享: Dan Ran Dan. Bat. Dan at bat. Dan ran. Pat. Pat at bat. Pat ran. Dan ran. Pat! Dan! 練習發音的單字:ap ap, map, sap, rap, nap, cap, gap, lap, tap, zap 練習發音的單字:ag ag, bag, sag, rag, wag, tag 練習發音的單字:ad ad, mad, sad, add, bad, dad, had, fad, pad 總複習:練習發音的遊戲 拿出a, n, p, s, t的字卡,把a擺中間。前後讓小朋友隨意擺其他的字母,請小朋友把自己拼的英文字用自然發音法唸出來。這是小朋友自己拼的字,能唸出來會很有成就感。 [音樂] ~聽「兒童音樂大師」有聲音樂故事~貝多芬 [地理] ~全家一起看公視節目DVD「鄉遊札記~官田採菱角」 [外語] ~和哥哥一起學唸捷克數字一到十 ~學唸電車站和地鐵站的名稱 [美勞] ~著色和畫車車 [體育] ~玩雪