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Annabell lin burgess

your baby can read

是DVD啊 我沒看到flash card...是指game card嗎? 兩套都有DVD跟game card...你看看唷:

(對了 美金現在乘以30.58)
第一套是129.95美金 (不含運費 運費要看是到哪裡 但是目前沒有到台灣 只有美國加拿大和墨西哥可以運) 裡面有包含以下東西
5 Your Baby Can Read! Interactive DVDs (5片互動DVD)
5 Starter Double-side Sliding Word & Picture Cards (5張卡片)
1 Wipe-clean Word Card (1張板擦卡)
1 Non-Toxic Erasable Pen (1隻筆)
2 Albert & Amy Early Learning Books (2本學習本)
1 Your Baby Can Read! Slide and Learn Book: "My First Words" with Free Bonus Starter DVD! (1本書+DVD)
2 Early Reader Books: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic and The Little Red Hen (2本學習本)
50 Your Baby Can Read! Word Game Cards (50張遊戲卡)

他還有另外一套(在電視廣告的) 裡面有下面的東西 比較貴 是美金199.95 (原價285)
The TV offer kit includes:
5 interactive DVD's
25 sliding word and picture cards
5 wipe-clean word cards
1 non-toxic erasable pen
5 lift-a-flap books
50 word-game cards
82 double-sided word cards
Parents' Guide
CD full of children's favorite sing-a-long songs.
'My First Words' window book.
Early Learning Workshop DVD hosted by Dr. Titzer.

要比較的話 可能要看是跟哪一套比唷 價錢差好多呀

--- 08/7/30 (星期三),Anna 寫道:

> 寄件者: Anna
> 主旨: 可以幫我看一下這套教材嗎?
> 收件者: "lum"
> 日期: 2008 7 30 星期三 上午 10:05
> http://www.yourbabycanread.com/
> 因為很多媽媽推薦~我剛剛去網站瀏覽了一下
> 覺得還不錯啦~~
> 請妳幫我看一下 how much it is?(全套的 dvd+flash
> card)
> 他們是dvd還是vcd?