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MaMa Shirley

day 1 to wean

In the past 3 month he only put 5 oz and grew 1 1/2 inches. I am sure that it's 'cause he refuses formula and food recently. Dr. said if I want to wean, just do not let him suck. Last night I tried to wean that made both of us very uncomfortable. He cried nearly half hour, showed his frustration and anger. I was sad but I couldn't cry or show my mercy until he felt tired and fell sleep on my tummy then I let my tears came out. This morning I encouraged him having bottle again. He refused a while but suddenly he had 3 oz. It seems that he tried to cheer me up or traded with me, so I....failed and let him have my...a while. Well, Dr. said we are right if he doesn't intake formula, we feed him yogurt, soak cheerios in milk...etc. Those food also got calcium. Thus, I guess it'll be a long way to wean.