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MaMa Shirley

plays e-guitar video game

Today we went to circuit city pick up on-line shop items. When we were check-out, Martin saw a boy carrying an e-guitar and playing video game. He was so exciting and waving his hand. He asked me to take him there and he wanted to play it. Mummy hold Martin and grandma helped us to hold the other side of guitar. Martin and mummy were in charge pushing the 5 buttons/strings. After we played, mummy could say Martin doing better than that boy no matter his pose or our score. Maybe it's 'cause daddy used to play guitar toy for Martin. Thus, Martin knows to shack his right hand (fingers) as play guitar. Auntie saw that she was going to store and to get one for him immediately. Luckily, there was no suitable one for Martin. We save money for auntie.