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MaMa Shirley

Is it a dream? Martin drank 3 times milk by cup till noon

Last night Martin woke up every hour 4am. Since then mummy decided not to let him suck even though he sit up there and patted his chest saying MiMi (咪咪) and begging for sucking nipple, but this time mummy wasn't touched by that. Ha, it worked. In the morning he drank a cup of 3 oz milk by cup besides other food. Around 10am he cried for sucking again. Auntie brought a cup of milk to him, but he rudely pushed it away. After that mummy talked to him face to face. Mummy said Martin you've been 13 months, you're a big boy now. If one day mummy is not next to you what you gonna do? Thus, you have to learn to use a cup to drink milk by yourself. Then, he immediately asked me to give him that cup auntie brought to him. At noon, before giving him solid food mummy gave him a cup of milk. he also finished it. Mummy feel it's like a dream.