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MaMa Shirley

Library - story time 10:30am

由於前幾個禮拜家裏有事,直到今天才能帶Martin去Library Preschool story time. 出發前讓小丁先睡一下,10:18am阿姨進來叫我們趕快穿衣服要遲到了,小丁一聽要ㄍㄞㄍㄞ,立刻起床,一點都沒起床氣,我們到Library時才10:24am厲害吧! The subject of this summer story time is about Egypt. Most of children were 3 and 4 yrs old preschool kids and few infants. Martin was the youngest child who was willing to sit there today. Although it was the first time for him to attend story time and being with group, he wasn't afraid and he behaved well. He could sit on my laps quietly and listen the librarian sang 'Hello' song to every kids. When librarian sang for Martin, he'd wave his hand as saying hello. He listened a bit story about snake. However, after two kids ran around and screamed, Martin wanna get down and play too. Thus, mummy took him to play area. The librarian gave mummy some baby books to read for Martin. Today we read at least 4 books to him besides playing toys. He learned and enjoyed it. Mummy will take Martin to story time every Tuesday if time permits.
Library - story time 10:30am_img_1 馬麻這個可以當杯杯嗎?
girl, that''s my pen! 錯愕的臉!
girl, that''s my pen! 錯愕的臉!