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Dear minnie,
Thank you for your letter! Up here at the North Pole, we have been very busy this year! The elves are really excited that Christmas Day is almost here. They have been working day and night getting all the toys ready for Christmas Eve. Mrs. Claus made us her extra special chocolate chip cookies last night since we've been working so hard. They taste great with a big glass of milk!
Once my sleigh is packed and ready to go, I'll be off on my journey around the world. I'm reading your letter right now, and it looks like you've been a very nice girl this year. That makes me so happy. Keep up the good work!
While you are asleep on Christmas Eve, the reindeer will quietly land my sleigh so I can tiptoe into your home. I see that you like dolls.
I like dolls too. They are lots of fun to play with, especially if your friends like dolls too! The elves have been very busy this year making many new and different dolls for Christmas!
I'm really excited about making my big trip on Christmas Eve! Remember, you have to be asleep when I come, so make sure you go to bed on time!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Have a Merry Christmas!
Your Special Friend,


▼里媽 才幾天minnie就住院了喔??~~最近流感很多..大家都要小心才好~~~
..2001/12/17(星期一) 22:40 (1026)

▼乖媽 minnie生病啦!還好已經康復了,要多保重喔!
..2001/12/18(星期二) 02:20 (1027)

▼芯媽 幾天沒來竟然看到minnie住院了,還好已經康復了,小朋友生病很可憐,大人也辛苦。
..2001/12/18(星期二) 03:03 (1028)

▼伸丰媽 幾天沒看到妳寫日記,原來minnie住院了,希望minnie趕快康復~~~
..2001/12/18(星期二) 04:05 (1030)

▼恩澤媽 minnie生病啦!怎麼會這樣的,醫生有說是怎麼了嗎?希望minnie早日康復喲!dolly也要自己保重。
..2001/12/18(星期二) 20:45 (1033)