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1. one by one
2. one on one
3. one to one

哪一個呢?答案是 (2) 跟 (3), 根據Merriam-Webster字典解釋﹕
「one by one」的意思有﹕
1 : one after another (一個接一個、陸陸續續的意思)

「one on one」的意思有﹕﹕
1 : playing directly against a single opposing player (直接與別的選手對抗,例如打籃球時挑戰一對一)
2 : involving a direct encounter between one person and another (跟另一個人直接面對參與某事,例如家教、面談)

「one to one」的意思有﹕﹕
1 : pairing each element of a set uniquely with an element of another set (配對,一對一)
2 : involving a direct encounter between one person and another (跟另一個人直接面對參與某事,例如家教、面談)

所以在講到「一對一」家教或面談時,可以用「one on one」或「one to one」,但不是「one by one」哦!

※摘錄自台南歌德英文書店六月份電子報 (第一期) - 2008/06/01