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這幅畫 是麥可自己畫的 有關他的童年
(真是有藝術天份 如果他往繪畫界走 這這...後果不堪設想)
"Before you judge me, 在你評斷我之前
try hard to love me, 請試著好好的愛我
Look within your heart 看著你的內心
then ask... 然後問自己
Have you seen my childhood? 你看過我的童年嗎?"

後來 寫成了一首歌 並且收錄為威鯨闖天關2 的主題曲

自己並有拍攝一部短片 拍的真好 充滿想像力
我在翻譯的中間 真的好難過 好想哭喔
真想在這個小小麥可的頭上給他好好的摸一摸 再給他抱抱一下

"Childhood" Michael Jackson

Have you seen my Childhood? 你看過我的童年嗎
I'm searching for 我正在尋找
the world that I come from 我所來的源處

'Cause I've been looking around 因為我尋尋覓覓
In the lost and found of my heart 心中的得失
No one understands me… 卻沒人能了解

They view it as such strange eccentricities 人們視之為怪異行徑
'Cause I keep kidding around 因為我總是玩笑人間
Like a child, but pardon me... 像個小孩一樣, 但請見諒..

People say I'm not okay 他們認為我不尋常
'Cause I love such elementary things 因為我熱愛這些單純的事物
It's been my fate to compensate, 這是我命中注定要來補償
for the childhood I've never known… 我從未知道的童年

Have you seen my childhood? 你看過我的童年嗎?
I'm searching for 我一直在尋找
that wonder in my youth 我年少時應該經歷的冒險
Like pirates and adventurous dreams, 海盜.還有充滿冒險的夢想
Of conquest and kings on the throne...征服. 還有國王的寶座

Before you judge me, 在你評斷我之前
try hard to love me, 請試著好好的愛我
Look within your heart 看著你的內心
then ask... 然後問自己
Have you seen my childhood? 你看過我的童年嗎?

People say I'm strange that way 人們說我特立獨行
'Cause I love such elementary things, 因為我喜歡這些單純的東西
It's been my fate to compensate, 那是因為命中注定要來補償
for the childhood I've never known... 我失去的童年

Have you seen my childhood? 我看過我的童年嗎?
I'm searching for 我一直在尋覓
that wonder in my youth 屬於我年少時應有的奇遇
Like fantastical stories to share 像是可以分享的奇幻故事
The dreams I would dare, 還有大膽的夢想
watch me fly... 看著我飛吧~~!!

Before you judge me, 在你評斷我之前
try hard to love me. 請試著好好愛我
The painful youth I've had… 那痛苦的童年

Have you seen my Childhood? 你看過我的童年嗎 童年_img_2

再聽一次 看看麥可小時後的照片 很有感觸