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親愛的家長: 這一週我用了可愛的骨頭餅乾和數詞卡(1~5)配合上小盤子和小狗的玩偶,和孩子一起練習基本的點算。Igloo一看到可愛的小狗玩偶張大嘴準備吃餅乾、他就非常專注的操作這一份教具,在和他互動的過程中可以清楚的知道,Igloo對1~5甚至是1~10的點算和數量數詞的配對都很熟練了。所以往後的練習、我會將1~5的練習範圍調整成11~20,甚至是更大的範圍。我相信越來越穩定的Igloo一定可以持續成長的。 珮筠老師 0918 Igloo We have been learning quite difficult words to pronounce during the last two weeks (animal crackers’ vocabulary). Shorts, shoes, skirt, shirt, blouse and sweater are not easy to say for a young child. Igloo has an excellent pronunciation and has no problem with these words. He has great language skills and I’m very impressed by his reading skills too! We are rather working on understanding the rules and why I can’t always choose him and how he has to wait for his turn and raise his hand without saying ”Igloo” ! Go Igloo! 森林班注意事項 1. 下週二(9/22)早上9:30,森林班將由牙醫師進行口腔檢查,當天請於上午9:00前到校,以免錯過檢查時間。 2. 發回個人用品,請協助加以清洗,並於下週一讓孩子帶回來。 3. 發回美語教材Animal crackers請配合CD協助孩子複習,並於下週將課本帶回。 4. 每週讓孩子借回的繪本和CD,請留意是否有損壞,如有任何缺損請讓我們知道。謝謝 5. 每週一為森林班的玩具分享日,建議您讓孩子帶著自己喜歡的玩具來校,不但可以讓孩子感到期待,還可以讓孩子學習到分享的快樂喔! 6. 本週有親子留言版,請詳加閱讀。