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親愛的家長: 2月份開始,我們的第七本閱讀小書”Mmm, I Like!”上場囉!新的小書,少不了新的單字(mirror, merry-go-round)!但是才短短的兩個禮拜,孩子們愈來愈熟悉小書中的單字與句型囉!Tr. Iain也持續的帶著森林班的孩子複習句型” I like _________.”當Tr. Iain問”What do you like?” Igloo會試著以完整的句子回答” I like… ” 而且新年將近,孩子們自己動手寫了春聯「大吉大利」,也畫了可愛的年獸,爸爸媽媽可以把孩子的作品掛起來,更增添過年氣氛喔!也祝福親愛的家長有個愉快又溫馨的新年假期!同時,也鼓勵爸爸媽媽趁著難得的假期多多和孩子互動!此外,也可多多鼓勵孩子於開學時與我們分享新年假期中發生的有趣事情或者去了哪裡玩喔!祝爸爸媽媽新年快樂、吉祥如意!!! 珮筠老師 990212 * 別忘了看看電子報喔! Igloo is a bright and clever member of Forest Class. He is clearly enthusiastic about learning English and has made exceptional progress in all areas since the beginning of the semester. I am amazed by his listening, speaking and reading skills. He learns new vocabulary quickly and makes a lot of efforts to express himself in English. He is an outgoing, joyful and imaginative student who brings a great input to our discussions and activities. His pre-writing skills are also outstanding. He can trace letters very well and color very carefully and beautifully. Overall, he’s such a great student and I feel very proud of him. I’m delighted to continue as his teacher for the next semester. Excellent work Igloo! Happy New Year! Teacher Marie