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關於這段影片,我原來的猜測也真是很好笑∼(見底下)。後來我終於得空看完 youtube 上這一段影片的說明文,原來一整段就是史托克豪森對 911 的 comment。他也真是....甘冒不諱啊!茲轉貼全段於下:

(Quote: Stockhausen on the 9/11 attack)
"What has happened is - now you all have to turn your brains around - the greatest work of art there has ever been. That minds could achieve something in one act, which we in music cannot even dream of, that people rehearse like crazy for ten years, totally fanatically for one concert, and then die. This is the greatest possible work of art in the entire cosmos. Imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on one performance, and then 5000 people are chased into the Afterlife, in one moment. This I could not do. Compared to this, we are nothing as composers... Imagine this, that I could create a work of art now and you all were not only surprised, but you would fall down immediately, you would be dead and you would be reborn, because it is simply too insane. Some artists also try to cross the boundaries of what could ever be possible or imagined, to wake us up, to open another world for us."
--by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Hamburg, September 2001.

所以剪輯這段影片的人,對現代派作曲家都一併很不爽吧。只因為史托克豪森說過911是最大最好的終極藝術創作,剪輯者就把現代音樂家 A 組拿來當成假想的通批對象,

而我呢就這麼搞笑,只隨便瞥了一眼你管上的影片說明,就只聽音樂沒看影像;還以為這一片是史托克豪森「指揮過的」樂曲剪輯而成、以紀念 911...的呢 :D

只能說,A 組音樂家的確比較不容易被人認識(我比較熟 silence by Cage 啦 :D ),害我還以為史托克豪森是<指揮家>哩.....

Karlheinz-Stockhausen 簡介

2010/2/1 Mon 9:23pm



(不過看到 youtube 網頁上說這是紀念 911 的)

我有音樂系學妹說:「B 組的都長壽」,但我還來不及看影像,現在只有聽曲子而已,所以不知道 B 組是怎麼分出來的?

2010/2/1 Mon 1:05pm