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ICDL(DIR, floortime)年度座談會, 演講, 上課

1. Developmental insights on difficulties in children with ASD
Stanley Greenspan, M.D.

2. Anxiety, obsession and aggression in ASD
Eric Hollander, M.D.

3. Medical conditions
Ricki Robinson, M.D., MPH

4. Bringing the bench to the bedside
Clara Lajonchere, Ph.D

5. The stigma of diagnosis
Morton Gernsbacher, Ph.D

6. Beginning floortime
Lorraine Ehlers-Flint, Ph.D, and Lisa deFaria, MSW, LCSW, BCD

7. Oral motor/speech skills within the DIR framework
Diane Lewis, MA, CCC/SLP, and Bobbi Wade, MAT, CCC/SLP

ICDL: 發展暨學習障礙跨學門委員會(Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning Disorders)