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Sarah 萌

April's diary

Today at G.S. lesson, Kathy, Kareena, Mathilda, Emma and I had the G.S. assessment. I forgot to bring the photos so I drew some. The teacher asked us to stick three photos for each group but we only have two dairy products. so Kathy begged me to draw a clear and big dairy product and fast, too! I had no choice so I drew a big cheese on a piece of drawing paper. I quickly cut it out for Emma to stick it. When all the groups had finished, Miss Yau asked who is group four because they have written what food they have. But I can't hear clearly and I am a group 4 girl. Kareena saw what happened, grabbed my hand and raised it up.

After recess, the vice principal said someone has put a bow tie nicely into a pencil case. The bow tie should be on your uniform, not in a bag!