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Sarah 萌

April's Diary

Tonight is so awesome and so amazing! My father wanted to eat some ice-cream. I wanted to buy the ice-cream. I asked Dad about the price and said: “Ten something for one.” I took 32 dollars from my kitty bank (Kitty bank means a piggy bank shaped like a cat).

I put the money in my very own purse and put on my shoes. I picked up my purse and went to McDonald with my delightful, sweet lovely sister who was named Julie. I was almost 8 and Julie was almost 5, but we went to buy ice-cream without our parents. We sang as we skipped off to McDonald.

I told the assistant: “I want two strawberry sundaes, please.” Julie: “Yes!” (She high-fived with me) Assistant: “$13.50, please. I: “Here are twenty dollars (I handed her a $20 note).” Assistant: “Here is six dollars and fifty cents change.” We went happily home and shared our sweet success.