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Happy Birthday

The best wish for my baby girl is~

She can have the beauty, wits, cunning and insight.
She can get what she wants when she wants.

==== I carry your heart with me === 我帶著你的心
By E. E. Cummings

I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
我帶著你的心 我將它藏在我心裡
I am never without it
Anywhere I go, you go, my dear
And whatever is done by only me
is your doing, my darling
無論我去了哪裡 你的心都跟著我
就算我獨自做了什麼事情 也彷彿是你做了同樣的事

I fear no fate....
for you are my fate, my sweet
I want no world, for, beautiful you are my world, my true
因為你就是我的命運 你就是我所有的美好
我對這世界一無所求,因為,你就是我最美麗的世界 我內心最渴望的真實

Here is the deepest secret
no one knows
這是我最深最深的秘密 無人知曉

Here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
潛藏在深深盤根中的細根 以及重重花苞中的細小花苞
而這生命之樹的成長 快過我靈魂的冀求 超出我心靈能掩飾的程度

It is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart
這秘密 也是讓夜空中所有星星閃耀 卻彼此不相撞的奧秘

I carry your heart
I carry it in my heart
這秘密就是-- 我帶著你的心 我將它藏在我心裡
