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「Wisdom of Masters-All about Innovation
1. 活動時間:2010年6月4日(星期五)下午1:00-4:15
2. 活動地點:世貿中心一館第3會議室
3. 主要目標對象:產業高階主管、產官學界代表

4. 流程:

1 1:00-1:30 報到、貴賓/講師接待
13:30-13:35 致詞
2 13:35-14:15 「就是要帶你逆勢成長!創新策略大解析」
“Growth in CRISIS-the Secrets of Innovation Strategies”
時尚的Apple電腦、飄揚的Windows Logo、經典的LV花紋……從電腦宅男到摩登仕女,他的設計風潮襲捲全球,他是品牌打造大師、更是高科技設計巨星艾斯林格,看他與企業如何勇敢地跨越一線之間、締造雙贏──為品牌寫下歷史,為企業帶來億萬財富!

Frog Design創辦人/榮譽理事/ 哈特姆.艾斯林格(Hartmut Esslinger)
•榮獲數百項設計和創新獎,並獲頒帕森設計學院(Parsons the New School of Design)榮譽美術博士。
•紐約現代藝術博物館(MOMA)、史密森尼博物館(Smithsonian Institute)和慕尼黑新藝術中心(Neue Sammlung)典藏其作品。
•2006年辭去青蛙設計共同執行長一職,現任德國卡爾斯魯厄市(Karlsruhe)造型與藝術學院(Hochscule für Gestaltung)創院教授,身兼奧地利維也納應用藝術大學(University of Applied Arts)多介面設計學(Convergent Design)教授。
Prof. Hartmut Esslinger
Founder and frog Fellow
Hartmut Esslinger is the founder and longtime co-CEO of frog design, and now serves as strategic and creative advisor to the company under the title of frog fellow. His vision has defined frog and his work has helped to develop the modern consumer aesthetic, through revolutionary products like the Sony Trinitron and Apple Macintosh computer.

When Hartmut founded frog design in his native Germany in 1969, his unique cultural style sparked a design revolution, pushing industry leaders to address users’ functional and emotional needs simultaneously. This approach formed the cornerstone of frog design, and continues to guide our work today. In 1996, Hartmut led frog through the development of a digital media group, extending our product design prowess into the virtual world, and on into higher-level business strategy. His world-class client list includes Acer, Acura/Honda, AT&T, CitiCorp, Discovery Channel, Disney, IBM, Kaltenbach & Voigt, Karstadt, Kodak, Louis Vuitton, Motorola, NEC, Packard Bell, Rosenthal, Siemens, Sun Microsystems, Swatch, Virgin Records, Yamaha and Zeiss— to name only a few.

Hartmut Esslinger is Founding Professor of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe, Germany, has an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from the Parson School of Design, University of New York, and is an Honorary Member of the Design Academy of Mexico. In 1992, he received the Raymond Loewy Lifetime Achievement Award. Concurrent to the award was the release of the book Hartmut Esslinger and frogdesign (Steidl Verlag, Goettingen, 1992) and an exhibit about frog at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Hamburg, Germany. Hartmut's work has been lauded internationally and incorporated into the design collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Smithsonian Institute, and Neue Sammlung, Munich.
3 14:15-
14:55 「來談談互動吧!-創新大未來」
“Let’s talk about Interaction!-The Future of Innovation”.
ZIBA design, GUI director, Bill Derouchey /
Bill is the Director of Interaction Design at Ziba Design, applying over fifteen years of experience as a writer, information architect, product manager, coder, and interaction designer. With Ziba, he is fortunate to work on a variety of challenges, from handheld satellite radios and medical devices to community websites, interactive spaces and product architectures. Bill also writes about the variety and history of interaction design in everyday experiences on his blog, Push Click Touch. He is determined to stretch how people think about interaction design, from beyond the pure digital to any interaction between humans and the artifacts they create.
4 14:55-15:35 「創新價值的守門員-談如何進行創新智財保護」
“Goalkeeper of Innovation-How to Protect Your Intellectual Property”
Mr. Dini是在歐洲及世界各地都有豐富智財保護經驗的專家,特地來台與台灣企業及設計業界進行分享,教授創新價值保護的措施和觀念。讓產業能放心專注研發及行銷部分,把頭痛的智財保護留給專業人員來替您把關。
IP Firm Metroconsult, CEO, Roberto Dini
With more than 35 year experience, Mr. Roberto Dini is one of the best known and appreciated experts in the field of Intellectual Property in Europe and Worldwide.
He began his career in the Intellectual Property field with Indesit. In Indesit he’s been Head of the Patent and Trademark Office.
In 1982, Mr. Dini founded Sisvel, which has soon become a leader in the licensing field, where it has established itself as one of the main international players by maximizing the value of its patents as well as those of third parties.
Recently with Sisvel he has developed an invaluable experience in arranging and managing patent pools.
He has extensive expertise in filing and prosecuting patents, designs and trademarks; drafting contracts for the purchase or license of patents; negotiations with multi-national companies.
Mr. Dini is assisting patent owners in enforcing their patent rights, especially in the consumer electronics field.
擁有超過35年智財保護相關經驗,Mr. Roberto Dini是目前歐洲及世界上最知名的智財保護專家之ㄧ。
曾任職Indesit的Patent and Trademark部門總監,並於1982年創立Sisvel。Sisvel於不久後迅速成為授權和專利領域的專業領導者。
他有豐富的專業知識,協助廠商申請和起訴侵權行為,包括專利、外觀設計、商標都是保護範圍。另外,為購買或發行專利起草合約、與談判多國公司等都是他的專精領域。Mr. Dini協助專利權人在執行其專利的權利,特別是在消費電子領域擁有豐富經驗。
5 15:35-15:45 中場休息
6 15:45-16:15 座談&QA:

且讓台灣創意設計中心及與會大師們,和產業面對面進行交流、為產業界把脈、診斷、導引未來之光。 、
/ 與談:

5. 指導單位:經濟部工業局