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Here We Go

Words to know
go on the cat sat

On the Go!
Sat sat.
The cat sat.
Go, Sam!
Go, cat!
The cat sat on Sam.

Mac the Cat
Mac the cat is on the rug.
Mac the cat can tug and tug.
Mac the cat can get the ham.
Mac the cat can get the jam.
Mac the cat can see a hut.
Mac the cat sat on a bat.
Mac can go and see a bug.
Mac can go and get a hug.
Shhh! Mac the cat is on my lap.
Mac the cat can have a nap.

Think About the Story
1. What did Mac get after he go the ham?
2. Why did the boy say "Shhh"?
3. What do you think Mac will do when wakes up from his nap?
