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Ga Ga



7:30 起床

8:00 260ml formula

10:30 Breakfest
5tbsp oatmeal cereal w/ fruit
6 grapes
1/2 cheese stick

11:30-2:30 Nap time

2:30 Lunch
120ml 菠菜番薯排骨燕麥粥
1/2 cheese stick
1/2 avocado
30ml apple juice

4:00 240ml formula

5:45-6:45 Nap time

7:00 Dinner
150ml Chicken booth porridge w/ carrot, cabbage and fillet of cod
1/2 cheese stick
some melon
1/2 toast

9:15 260ml formula

9:30 刷牙,就寢