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今天Auntie Elana的supervisor去montly unschedule visit
留下了一張懌恆的成績單(Home Visit Report):

Dear Parent:

I visited with Yihung today. Please feel free to call the office if you wish to discuss this home visit or any other aspect of the service.

Comments: Happy happy boy! He likes to have fun. So nice to see. Cutie little boy.

Areas of program observed/discussed:
-Language: lots of chatting
-Cognitive: Singing
-Creative: Painting with yogurt
-Social: eating with others
-Fine Motor: eating with spoon

Comments/ Observations:
Hello, when I arrived Yihung was sitting in the highchair. He then sat on Elana''s knee and ate yogourt with great enthusiasm. He helped Elana sing a song, quite the bouncie boy. When I left he was reading a book.

Topic Discussed: Routine & Sunscreen
Handouts Left: Newsletter and Scholastics
Quarterly Safety Check

May 20/05 10:30
Home Visitor: Michele Thomson