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最近外婆交給懌恆一個重要的任務 就是當外婆家裡的班長 話說昊峰表弟來外婆家住了一陣子 調皮的他快讓外公外婆抓狂了 再加上如果懌恆表哥也在就更讓他有飭無恐 兩個人互相壯膽 把家裡給翻了 不要懷疑,右下角想逃離現場的正是懌恆 截至目前為止已經有好幾本相簿 (外公花了將近一年的時間整理出來的歷史性相簿), 好幾顆室內植物, 和無數百葉窗等等 慘遭他們的毒手 真是太誇張了 每次都趁大人不注意的時候 是先聽到兩個人像機車的笑聲 然後就看到慘不人賭的場面…. 懌恆比較奸巧 每次被抓到的時候他就會說~弟弟弄的, 弟弟壞壞~ 雖然這大部分時候都是真的 因為懌恆確實比昊峰首規矩一些(…是卒仔吧…) 但是媽咪才不相信懌恆會這麼正直不去參一腳 所以通常要處罰都是兩個人一起 懌恆比較會看臉色 一被發現做壞事就知道大難臨頭了 就會先哭著說~不要面壁,不要打手手~ 不像弟弟,還繼續放肆一點都不知道發生什嘛事了…. 因為懌恆還比較肯聽話 所以外婆跟懌恆說要他看著弟弟不要讓他做壞事 把這個責任交給他之後 果然有點成效了 身為’班長’的懌恆覺得身負重任 所以很自然的他就不會再去同流合污 只要看到弟弟在搗蛋他就會上前跟弟弟說不可以 而且媽咪發覺他越來越認真喔 如果弟弟不聽他的話 他會很生氣的叫他不可以 有時氣到自己哭了還是堅決要阻止弟弟繼續幹壞事 有一次媽咪看見懌恆在弟弟手上搶電視遙控器 弟弟堅持不放手懌恆就開始哭 媽咪過去問他怎麼了 他哭著跟媽咪說:~弟弟遙控器不可以~ 媽咪一邊把他眼淚差掉一邊跟他說, ~那你要好好的跟弟弟說呀, 不可以用搶的唷~ 弟弟看哥哥哭了也就乖乖把遙控器交出來 懌恆這才破涕為笑把遙控器放回原位 外婆這招果然有用喔 難怪以前小學時有些老師要選那些皮到不行的小朋友當班長 讓他們不得不以身作則 這樣他們就不能調皮了 不知道這招可不可以用在阿公阿嬤家呢 ____________________________________________________

優點乎? 怪癖乎?


媽咪發覺懌恆真是個孝順的好孩子 為什麼呢? 因為媽咪發覺他很會保護自己的身體 讓媽咪不用擔心他會受傷或是吃虧^^ (對! 沒錯! 現在的男孩子也要害怕吃虧!) 保護自己不要讓自己痛痛 這點懌恆當然是做得很徹底啦 這每個小朋友都會 因為怕痛嘛! 所以任何會讓他痛痛的事情他都會聽一次或是碰到一次就記得 懌恆也有一個怪癖 就是他很不喜歡別人隨便碰觸他的身體 連爸爸媽咪也不例外 像這幾天他在長疹子 媽咪就常常會拉起他的衣服,袖子或是褲管摸摸看檢查一下 懌恆都會很不高興跟媽咪說 ~媽咪衣服不要拉起來,媽咪不要摸懌恆的肚子….~ 醫生阿姨或是Auntie Elena這樣做他也是不喜歡 剛開始媽咪還以為他是因為疹子會不舒服 後來想想平常沒長疹子他也是一樣 只要人家一碰觸他的身體他就會很嚴肅的說~不行,不可以~ 媽咪覺得這樣滿不錯的 可以防止被性騷擾^^ 但是類似情形有時候媽咪覺得懌恆有點龜毛甚至小潔癖了 他不喜歡有東西粘在他身體上 他會覺得髒髒 然後一直要把它弄掉 弄不掉的話就會發脾氣 上次他剪頭髮時就是很好的例子 頭髮粘在手上讓他快抓狂了… 有時候跌倒了他爬起來第一件事就是把手拍一拍或是把屁股拍一拍 奇怪,這個媽咪也沒教過他呀 大概又是潔癖的本能了吧 另外一個潔癖的舉動是討厭地上濕答答的 很多小男生看到地上有水都會頑皮的故意過去用力踩一下 但是懌恆不喜歡 看到地上有水他會繞路走過去或是跨過去 這點媽咪很高興 愛乾淨的小孩 但是到處都是水沒地方繞的時候要把腳掂起來走 免得水濺上來污染了他高貴的鞋子.... 這也實在太潔癖了吧@_@..... _____________________________________________________



SHINGLES What is shingles? Shingles is a disease caused by a virus. The main symptoms are pain and a rash. Is there any other name for shingles? The virus that causes shingles is called varicella zoster. It is a herpes virus. Shingles is sometimes called herpes zoster. WHO CAN GET SHINGLES Can anyone get shingles? Only people who have had chicken pox can get shingles. Who is most likely to get it? Most people who have shingles are over age 65. Half of all people aged 80 and older can expect to get shingles. Can younger people get shingles too? Yes. People with HIV or cancer can get shingles no matter how old they are. About half of all people who have received kidney transplants or bone marrow will get shingles. Patients taking certain medications, such as steroids to treat arthritis, also are at risk for shingles. How common is shingles? About 1 million Americans get shingles every year. About 10-20 percent of all Americans will have shingles at some time in their lives. Is shingles contagious? No. You cannot get shingles from someone who has it. CAUSES OF SHINGLES What causes shingles? Shingles is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. This is the same virus that causes chicken pox. It is a herpes virus. Shingles is also called herpes zoster. Can you get other kinds of herpes from this virus? No. Varicella zoster virus causes only chicken pox and shingles. Are chickenpox and shingles related? Very much so. Some of the virus that causes chicken pox stays in the body. It remains inactive in the nerve cells near the spine for many years. Then it suddenly becomes active, causing shingles. What makes the virus become active after so many years? The virus becomes active when a person's immune system (the body's defense against disease) gets weaker. The immune system gets weaker as people get older. That's why shingles usually occurs in people over age 65. Diseases like HIV and cancer and certain drugs like those to prevent organ rejection also weaken the immune system. What happens when the virus gets active? The virus leaves the nerve cells and travels along certain nerve pathways to the skin. This causes the pain and rash of shingles. SYMPTOMS OF SHINGLES How do I know I have shingles? You will have pain and a rash. The pain usually comes a few days before the rash. What is the pain like? At first, the pain may just be a tingling feeling or itch. Sometimes the pain is sharp, aching, or stabbing. Some people have such bad pain that they cannot stand the feel of clothes. The pain usually is very bad when the rash is worst. What is the rash like? The rash starts as a band of raised spots. Within a few days, the spots grow into blisters filled with fluid. After about 7 to 10 days, the blisters crust and dry out. Is the rash all over the body? No. The rash is usually only on the chest, abdomen, and back. It is only on one side of the body. Sometimes the rash is on the face, usually near the eye. How long does it last? The rash usually lasts about 2 weeks. Including the time before the rash develops, when pain is the only symptom, shingles usually lasts about a month. However, some patients have pain longer; they have post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). TREATMENT FOR SHINGLES Do I need to see a doctor? Yes. You should go to a doctor as soon as you get a painful rash. Quick treatment can reduce the chance of developing PHN. What will the doctor give me? The doctor will give you antiviral medicine, which attacks the shingles virus, and medicine to ease the pain. Will the medicines cure shingles? No. But they will help you get better faster. What are the drugs that attack the shingles virus? There are three drugs that attack the virus. They are acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex). You will be given only one of these drugs. How long do I have to take these drugs? One week. If your doctor orders acyclovir, you need to take it five times a day. If you are given famciclovir or valacyclovir, you take the medicine only three times a day. What medicine will the doctor order to relieve the pain? Your doctor may prescribe painkillers that are stronger than those you can buy without a prescription. Can I take aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen for the pain? Yes. But these drugs may not be strong enough. What else can I do to ease the pain? Put cool compresses on the blisters. Wear loose clothes that don't rub against the sore skin. back to top POST-HERPETIC NEURALGIA What is PHN? PHN is pain that lasts after the shingles rash is gone. It could last many months, even years. What is the pain like? The pain is very bad. It may be deep and aching. Your skin may feel like it is on fire. It could be shooting, stabbing pain. Where does it hurt? The pain is where the shingles rash was. WHO CAN GET PHN Can anyone get PHN? Only people who have had shingles can get PHN. How common is it? One of every 5 patients with shingles gets PHN. Who is most likely to get it? Older people are most likely to get PHN. Three of every 4 people over age 70 who get shingles develop PHN. Other patients at risk for PHN include those with cancer, HIV, or other conditions associated with poor immunity, and people taking drugs that suppress the immune system, such as corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and drugs given to transplant patients. What causes PHN? Shingles damages the nerves. Nerve damage can be very painful. SYMPTOMS OF PHN How do I know I have PHN? You will have continuing pain in the same area as shingles after the rash is gone. Is the pain everywhere? The pain is always where the shingles rash was. However, some people have pain in smaller regions where the rash was, and others have pain in an area slightly larger than the rash site. How bad does it hurt? The severity of PHN pain varies. For some people it is minor, but for others it may be the worst pain in their lives. For these unfortunate PHN sufferers, the pain is so bad that they cannot do things they enjoy. Many people cannot sleep because of the pain. How do patients describe the pain? The pain of PHN differs among patients. Some common descriptions are sharp, piercing, electric, burning, aching, and throbbing. Many patients also have severe itching. What makes the pain worse? The skin may become extremely sensitive to different types of stimulation. Commonly, patients are very sore when touched. Even the lightest touch of clothes, bedsheets, or a gentle wind hurts. Some patients have worsening pain from changes in temperature on the skin, either hot or cold. TREATMENT FOR PHN How will my doctor treat me for PHN? Your doctor may give you different types of medicine that can relieve the pain. However, currently only one treatment has an FDA-approved indication for PHN pain: the topical lidocaine patch (Lidoderm). This patch contains a 5% solution of lidocaine, the analgesic that dentists use. It is very helpful in easing the pain without making the skin numb. Lidocaine does not enter the blood in any meaningful amounts. Other medications have been shown in scientific studies to benefit some patients with PHN. These medicines include the anticonvulsant gabapentin, tricyclic antidepressants, and opioids. You should find a doctor who is familiar with how to prescribe these medications for PHN pain. Will these treatments cure PHN? No, no medication will heal the damaged nerves that cause PHN. But these medicines may help relieve the pain. Some people get better results with one treatment, and other patients respond better to a different drug. You may need to use more than one treatment to get the best pain relief. It is important to find a doctor who is familiar with using medicines to treat PHN. I'm not young, and I already take medication for other conditions. Is it safe to take additional drugs for pain? Many medications cause worse side effects in older people. And some drugs do not mix well. Be sure your doctor knows what medications you are already taking and what other health problems you have. The topical lidocaine patch and gabapentin are good because they do not interact with other medicines. What types of medicine will my doctor give me? Currently, these are the types of drugs that are used to treat PHN: the topical lidocaine patch (the only treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration for PHN pain), tricylic antidepressant pills, antiseizure drugs (especially gabapentin), and opioids. Why do I need to take medicine for depression if I'm not depressed? PHN is nerve pain, and the tricyclic antidepressants seem to lessen pain signals from the damaged nerves. The doses of these drugs used to treat PHN are about one-tenth the dose typically used to treat depression. Are antidepressants the best drug for me if PHN has gotten me down? To relieve the pain of PHN, doctors usually prescribe low doses of antidepressants. The doses are lower than the amounts used to treat depression, typically 1/10th the usual dose to treat depression. Tell your doctor if you are depressed, because you can get medicine to help your mood. What are the names of these antidepressants? The most common antidepressants used for PHN are called tricyclic antidepressants. This category of antidepressants include the drugs amitriptyline (Elavil), nortriptyline (Pamelor), desipramine (Norpramin), and doxepin. A recent study showed that nortriptyline is as effective as amitriptyline and tends to have fewer side effects. All drugs have some side effects. The most common side effects of the tricyclic antidepressants used for PHN are dry mouth, constipation, and dizziness. Problems are most likely in older patients, who should be given the smallest doses possible. Serious, but uncommon, side effects of these drugs include a drop in blood pressure upon standing (orthostatic hypotension) and irregular heart rhythm. Why do drugs to prevent seizures help ease the pain of PHN? These drugs, called anticonvulsants, are thought to reduce the pain of PHN by calming the sensitive pain nerves that were injured by the shingles infection. What are the names of these anticonvulsants? There are many different types of anticonvulsant medication, all of which are thought to have different actions in the body. The anticonvulsant that is currently most often prescribed for PHN is gabapentin (Neurontin). Other antiseizure medications that have been used in the past for PHN include phenytoin (Dilantin) and carbamazepine (Tegretol). Are the anticonvulsants safe? You cannot get seizures from taking these drugs. Gabapentin is currently one of the first drugs tried for PHN because it is safe and often works. Like the other anticonvulsant drugs, gabapentin's most common side effects are sleepiness, dizziness, and lack of coordination. However, such side effects are less common than with the older drugs phenytoin and carbamazepine. Another advantage to gabapentin is that it does not interact with any known medication, while the other anticonvulsant medications have the potential to react badly with many other drugs. Gabapentin is not toxic to any organs, whereas phenytoin and carbamazepine can (rarely) cause liver and blood problems. Can I get addicted if I take a pain reliever with opioids? PHN patients do NOT become drug addicts from taking an opioid for their pain. However, someone who has a history of substance abuse may be at risk for an addiction problem. You can safely get off these medications without any withdrawal symptoms by having the doctor slowly decrease the dose by 10% to 25% a day. What are the names of some of the opioid pain relievers? There are many different types of opioid pain relievers. When used as the main medication for PHN, a long-acting form of these drugs is best so that the medication is taken 2 to 4 times per day. Recommended opioid medications for PHN include long-acting oxycodone (Oxycontin), methadone, and long-acting morphine (MS Contin). Sometimes a doctor may prescribe a short-acting opioid for pain flare-ups, which can give 2 to 4 hours of pain relief. Such short-acting narcotics include oxycodone (mixed with aspirin in Percodan and with acetaminophen in Percocet), hydromorphine (Dilaudid), hydrocodone with acetaminophen (Vicodin, Zydone), and immediate-release morphine. Are opioid drugs safe? Opioids are some of the safest oral pain medications. Opioids do not have any severe interactions with any other medication, and they do not damage any organ. However, common side effects with these drugs include tiredness, dizziness, upset stomach, trouble thinking, and constipation. What is the skin patch used to help the pain of PHN? The skin patch, called Lidoderm, contains a 5% solution of lidocaine, the same medication used by dentists before painful procedures. Lidoderm is the first and only prescription treatment made specifically to ease the pain of PHN. (All the earlier treatments were made to treat other diseases.) Lidoderm is currently the only medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of PHN pain. How does the skin patch work? You put the patch directly over the painful area. The anesthetic lidocaine goes from the patch to the damaged nerves that are causing the pain. When it contacts the damaged nerves under the skin, the lidocaine calms them and makes them less sensitive. It eases the pain without numbing the skin. Another way the lidocaine patch can ease pain is by protecting the sensitive skin from rubbing of clothing and bedsheets. Is the lidocaine patch safe? The lidocaine patch is the safest prescription treatment currently used for PHN. Because lidocaine does not get into the blood in any significant amount, there are no severe side effects. The patch is safer than the pills used to relieve pain, because the medicine goes directly to the painful area, not through the whole body. The most common side effect (which is not very common) is redness or swelling of the skin around the patch. Are there any pain relievers I can get without going to a doctor? Pain pills that you can buy without a prescription probably will not be strong enough. No studies have evaluated the effectiveness of acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), or naproxen (Aleve), but these drugs rarely produce significant pain relief in PHN. Some people use capsaicin cream, which is sold as a pain reliever for arthritis. But it takes a long time to work (usually at least 4 to 6 weeks applying it 3 times a day) and it can cause a severe burning sensation. Is there anything besides medicine that will help with the pain? Some patients with PHN get short-term pain relief by putting ice the painful region. Be careful not to keep the ice on for more than several minutes, because it can cause skin damage. People with constant pain often find that stress reduction techniques help. Try meditation, deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and biofeedback. You can learn these stress-reducing techniques at a clinic specializing in pain management. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), a device where electrodes are placed onto the skin and slight amounts of electrical current are produced, can also give temporary relief to some PHN patients. SPREADING THE DISEASE Is shingles contagious? No. Shingles occurs only when the virus that caused chicken pox, which has stayed in the body for many years, becomes active. You cannot get shingles from someone else. You can only get it from the varicella zoster virus in your own body. Is it okay for someone with shingles to be around other people? Someone who has never had chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccine could get chicken pox from a patient with shingles. This won't happen after the blisters have dried up. Can you get other herpes diseases if you have shingles or take care of someone with shingles? No. The varicella zoster virus causes only chicken pox and shingles. It does not cause cold sores or genital herpes. Is post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) contagious? No. Once the rash of shingles has resolved, the virus is gone. The pain is caused by nerve damage resulting from shingles. back to top CAREGIVERS: EASING THE PAIN Should we go to the doctor if we suspect shingles? Yes. The doctor can give medication to ease the pain and attack the virus. It is best to start treatment within 2 or 3 days after the rash begins. The earlier the antiviral medication is taken, the shorter will be the severe pain associated with the rash of shingles, and the less chance there will be of developing the chronic pain of PHN. Should we see the doctor again if the pain doesn't go away after the rash is gone? Yes. Pain that stays after the shingles rash is gone is called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). The doctor can give you treatment to help with the pain of PHN. It is important to go to a doctor who is familiar with all of the drugs used to treat PHN. A pain specialist should be consulted if your doctor does not commonly treat PHN. Is it okay to take aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen? Yes, but these medications have not been studied as pain relievers for PHN. Most PHN patients report that these drugs do not result in any meaningful pain relief. Can we use lotions or creams? If the skin does not hurt when you touch it, you may put calamine lotion on the shingles blisters. Some people with PHN use capsaicin cream, which is sold without a prescription to ease arthritis pain. This cream is made from hot peppers, and it often makes the pain of PHN worse. Should we try hot or cold compresses? Cold compresses may ease the pain of shingles or PHN. But some people with PHN cannot stand cold temperatures on their skin. If the medicine isn't helping, should we go to a different doctor? Tell your doctor if the medicine isn't helping. Another type of treatment may help. Your doctor also may refer you to a specialist such as a neurologist or pain clinic. Try to find a doctor who has experience treating PHN. Most pain specialists believe that the vast majority of PHN patients can get meaningful pain relief with the medications currently available. Will acupuncture help? Acupuncture has not been shown to help the pain of shingles or PHN. There are nonscientific reports of some patients with PHN getting relief from acupuncture. What can we do when it hurts too much to wear clothes? Wear loose clothing. Ask the doctor about the lidocaine skin patch to treat PHN. The patch, called Lidoderm, has a pain reliever and makes a protective shield between the sore skin and clothing. The pain is making both the patient and me depressed. Neither of us is sleeping well. What can we do? Speak to the doctor about the patient's and your emotional state. Treatment is available for both depression and insomnia. If depression is severe (even though it is caused by severe chronic pain), it should be aggressively treated. Since shingles came into our lives, we've stopped seeing friends and going out. I'm starting to hurt, not physically but emotionally. Should I go out alone? Many caregivers are so concerned about the sick person that they forget to take care of themselves. Do what you need to do to feel good. Your happy mood may rub off on your hurting loved one



帶狀皰疹 帶狀皰疹顧名思義,是一種成帶狀分布,會起小水泡的疹子。臺灣人管它叫“皮蛇”,主要是它的疹子成長條形分佈,如蛇一般,事實上可是蛇一點關係都沒有哩! 為甚麼會得帶狀皰疹? 帶狀皰疹的成因,其實就是水痘病毒的復發。我們小時候因為水痘病毒的疫苗還沒發明,幾乎每個人都發過水痘;當初發水痘,全身到處都可以長。水痘經過兩三個禮拜雖然好了,病毒卻沒有完全消失。這些聰明的病毒會選擇我們體內某一個感覺神經節冬眠起來;等到有一天,趁我們抵抗力較差時,來個“龍虎大復活”;復發的病毒便沿著當初窩藏處神經節所支配的神經傾巢而出,不但使這條神經發炎受傷,也讓這條神經所支配的皮膚紅腫起水皰。因為我們體內神經有一定的走向,神經所支配的皮膚也有一定的長條形分佈;﹝比方說在身體是沿著一側繞半圈,在下肢是從大腿往下延伸到小腿﹞這就是為什麼帶狀皰疹會長成長長一條像蛇的原因了! 帶狀皰疹容易發生在那些部位? 任何地方都可以長帶狀皰疹;但它最容易出現在身上和臀部。但是它也可以長在臉上,手臂及腿上。 長在眼睛附近的帶狀皰疹要特別小心。因為它若侵犯到眼睛,有可能會產生永遠的傷害。根據研究,若鼻尖出現帶狀皰疹的水泡,有很大的機會接下會侵害到眼睛。因此,若出現這些狀況,您應該儘訴的再尋求眼科醫師的協助。 帶狀皰疹有什麼症狀? 典型的帶狀皰疹,會如同下列的情況發展: 在皮疹發生之前,會有四到五天的疼痛或壓痛的症狀 這是因為病毒沿著神經復發,使的該神經發炎的緣故。這種痛常從深部發生,可大可小;有人不以為意,卻也有人痛不欲生;端視神經發炎的程度而定。 若從腰部發生,很可能會誤以為腎結石;若從頭部發生,很可能誤以為是偏頭痛。 水泡會在21-24小時內大量出現;爾後的1-7天內再慢慢在該神經分怖區域內長出新水泡來 通常長水泡的地方會先出現紅紅鼓鼓的疹子,再從疹子上長出水皰來。 水泡有可能化膿形成膿泡 水泡乾掉或破掉,之後結痂 痂皮掉落 若整個過程處理得當,一般不會留下明顯的疤痕。但若處理不當或發得太嚴重,有可能會留疤。 神經痛 皮膚癒合以後,神經痛還有可能持續。有些老人家甚至可以持續痛個幾年。倘若在疹子發生的早期就服用特效藥,對縮短這種皰疹後神經痛會有幫助。 有辦法預防帶狀皰疹嗎? 一旦得到水痘,病毒躲入神經節,則無法清除病毒。日後因為無法預測它復發的時間,所以也無從預防起。 所謂往者已矣,對於還沒得過水痘的小朋友,積極的給予疫苗注射,來預防水痘,噹然也免除了來日得帶狀皰疹的機會。 帶狀皰疹該如何治療? 帶狀皰疹只要接受適當的治療,通常會在2到5週內痊癒,除非患者是免疫力很差的病人﹝如愛滋病患﹞。治療可以概分為兩個階段: 發疹子的期間 抗病毒的藥物 : 抗病毒的藥物,越早服用越有效。若能早期服用,有時候甚至可以使新的水泡完全不再長出來。 如果稍晚才開始服用﹝疹子出現三天後﹞,效果會差一點,但仍有機會減輕疼痛。早期服用這種特效藥,也可以縮短將來皰疹後神經痛的時間。 止痛藥 : 不同強度的止痛藥可以舒緩神經發炎所帶來的疼痛。 類固醇 : 對於發的特別重,或侵犯到眼睛的病患,可以和抗病毒的藥物搭配使用。 皰疹後神經痛 口服抗憂鬱劑 除了規則的服用止痛藥之外,於每晚服用一種特別的抗憂鬱劑具有不錯的效果。 塗抹辣椒膏 有一些病人每天塗抹三、四次的辣椒膏﹝含capsaicin﹞,頗為有效 發疹子的期間,還必須在水泡破掉後適當的以塗抹抗生素換藥,來避免二度的細菌感染。切莫亂敷草藥,引來細菌感染,而造成不可收拾的傷口和難以磨滅的疤痕!切記!切記!



昨晚媽咪幫懌恆擦乳液的時就有發現他大腿上有一些小疹子 不是很多, 不會紅,懌恆也不痛不癢 今天早上在看看變多了 背後和肚子都有一些 但還是不痛不癢 媽咪就想說先帶他去DAYCARE問看看可不可以去 AUNTIE ELENA說看起來不像是什麼問題 也不像是水痘 所以AUNTIE ELENA建議媽咪把懌恆留下來 如果有什麼狀況再CALL我 不過媽咪還是不放心 就幫他約了家醫晚點由爸爸帶他去看 因為爸爸前幾天開始身上也出了幾顆疹子會癢會痛 所以爸爸順便一起看 結果不看覺得沒什麼 一看才知道爸爸狀況不對! 原來爸爸在發"帶狀皰疹"(俗稱皮蛇) 是水痘的一種 難怪爸爸說會很痛但又說不上來是什麼痛 醫生阿姨是說還看不出來懌恆的疹子是什麼 因為很輕微 有兩個可能 一就是他被爸爸的帶狀疱疹病毒感染成水痘 一就是他對前幾天打的水痘針的反應 再研究一下 判斷應該是後者居多 因為那些疹子一點都不像水痘 如果是水痘針的反應的話 那就要很小心了 證明懌恆的身體正在對水痘產生抗體 兩個禮拜之內在抗體還沒有完全建立之前還是有可能感染水痘 所以要小心不讓懌恆太靠近爸爸 以免被傳染了 後來媽咪上網找了很多有關帶狀疱疹的資料 才對這病有比較多的了解 也才知道原來得水痘有這麼麻煩的後遺症 所以媽咪一定要很小心 千萬不要讓懌恆被感染了 即使之後水痘針幫懌恆建立的抗體產生了也一樣 因為打了疫苗還是有可能會感染 祇是將病況緩和而已 還是不能完全阻擋病菌入侵身體 看到爸爸現在的痛 媽咪真的不得不小心保護懌恆呀 P.S. 爸爸大概最近工作壓力太大 又長時間缺乏睡眠 以致抵抗力減弱讓藏在身體裡的病菌有機可趁 媽咪要更加注意一家人的健康狀況了 看來爸爸媽咪也要開始一些HEALTH SUPPLEMENT了 _______________________________________________________



上次十八個月帶懌恆去醫生阿姨那裡一次打了四針 當時真的哭得要把診所給拆了 但是懌恆對於這種不快樂的事情似乎特別健忘 今天再帶他來打flu shot和水痘針之前 媽咪一直跟他說:媽咪要帶你去打針好不好? 懌恆傻傻的也不知道打針是什麼就跟媽咪猛點頭說好好 來到診所的時候他還真的是高興的玩玩具喔 就連帶他進去房間的時候他神經大條的還不知道發生什麼事 一直到了醫生阿姨出現的時候他才想起來 大概也不是想起打針啦 不過就是想起之前十八個月那次重感冒時跟醫生阿姨結下的樑子吧 他馬上尖聲抗議對著醫生阿姨說不要 雖然醫生阿姨什麼也還沒做 懌恆就是不要她靠近就是了 後來醫生阿姨把針拿出來懌恆更是哭得希哩嘩啦的 三個大人好不容易合力的給懌恆打了兩針 總算是完成艱難的使命 為了獎勵懌恆沒有把爸爸媽咪還有醫生阿姨踹的鼻青臉腫 醫生阿姨特地送上一支棒棒糖 希望留下一個好印象^^ 懌恆拿到棒棒糖剛剛的痛苦就一掃而空啦 一整天一看到人就舉起他的棒棒糖跟人家說 “阿姨打針痛痛,阿姨給懌恆棒棒糖” 當然後來棒棒糖就偷偷給爸爸吃掉了^^ p.s. 棒棒糖真的這麼管用嗎? 對媽咪來說大概給我十個棒棒糖我也不會去打針吧 今天當醫生說疫苗不夠要爸爸媽咪延後再打時 媽咪真是”暗爽”了好久喔 呵呵^^ ___________________________________________________________



終於開始了….. 可憐的媽咪從小就是在自己的小舅舅和哥哥的”終極惡作劇”中長大 爸爸也說他小時候大概是家裡最惡魔的一個 媽咪就在想 一定要讓懌恆打破”繼承父志”和”外甥多像舅”的定律 懌恆一定會是個人見人愛又SWEET的男孩 打從懌恆開始會笑會跑會跳 媽咪一直都還深信懌恆是個SWEET BOY的理念 但是漸漸的連媽咪自己都不得否認這個想法開始動搖了…. 基本上懌恆還是個人見人愛又SWEET的男孩 但是….. ...也是個足以讓你抓狂到頭髮通通站起來的臭小孩!!!... 偏偏他這個小孩特別精 知道恰到好處的道理 就是把你氣到體溫直線上升到沸騰然後馬上請你吃冰淇淋….. 才過一歲半開始他已經慢慢開始研究出各式各樣調皮的技倆 每天從媽咪都從天亮就開始跟他作戰到天黑 (還好現在有在上班…否則可能已經掛了@_@) 最喜歡捉弄昕儀姊姊把她弄得哇哇叫他就高興了 對爸爸媽咪的惡作劇就比較客氣一點 頂多就是把你正要穿的鞋子抓起就跑 然後丟在很遠的地放要你自己去撿 或是故意用剛摳過腳指頭的手指舉起來追著你要往你身上摸…還要邊說~Yukky! Yukky!~ 真的被他摸到了他就哈哈大笑的跑給你追…. ... ... ...諸如此類,層出不窮… ... ... 有時他也會故意講些話來氣你 那天…有這樣的對話… 恆: 懌恆是爸爸的乖寶貝 媽 (很期待的): 喔? 那是媽咪的嗎? 恆: No! 懌恆是爸爸的乖寶貝! 媽 (有點受傷): 也是媽咪的乖寶貝呀! 恆: No! 爸爸的,爸爸的…. 媽: 很好! 惹火老娘, 不抱你! 接著就把懌恆丟到地上讓他自己走 小子他開始他的賴皮功哭著要抱 爸爸就說: 好啦好啦 爸爸的乖寶貝 爸爸抱抱! 小子他一手推開爸爸的手說~NO! 不要爸爸抱...媽咪抱! 媽咪抱! 媽咪看他這麼可憐 好吧! 就抱他好了 抱起來想說這下總算是媽咪的乖寶貝了吧 誰知道他還是說~懌恆是爸爸的乖寶貝,不是媽咪的....~ ....實在是有夠欠扁的小孩....@_@ ______________________________________________________________



今天爸爸下班後要來媽咪office開會 所以媽咪只好去把懌恆接到office加班一邊等爸爸 結果是…什麼加班嘛… ...根本就是帶了惡魔來上班!!! 剛來到的時候懌恆很有禮貌的跟每一個人打招呼 順便向每一個漂亮姊姊放電 然後媽咪就把自己的桌子清理一個角落出來 給他幾隻筆幾張紙讓他塗鴉 媽咪就開始做自己的事 剛開始懌恆真的很合作自己在畫圖 但是不到五分鐘他就開始覺得媽咪冷落他了 於是每畫一道符就拉著媽咪說”媽咪你看,車車”…”媽咪你看,怪手”… 這樣子媽咪根本每辦法專心做事嘛 所以乾脆不做了來上網 因為是下班時間了大家都一個一個準備要回家了 雞婆懌恆每看到一個人穿好外套拿著包包準備要走 就大聲且有禮貌的跟人家揮手說:”Hi, Bi! See you Tomorrow!” 如果對方停下來跟他玩的話他還會要求shake hand and a kiss 媽咪旁邊的工讀生姊姊本來要幫媽咪完成一些圖的 但是懌恆一直跟她打招呼害她沒辦法專心做事 媽咪只好叫她先回去好了…免得繼續被懌恆騷擾 後來大家走的差不多了媽咪才敢讓他到處走一走 小子他竟然跟我玩起捉迷藏來 於是便看見一個穿著高跟鞋的惡婆娘追著一個小鬼滿office跑 到最後還要趴到桌子底下去把他抓出來….@_@ 媽咪簡直是快抓狂了 又不能在這裡修理他或兇他 以免破壞自己在office精明能幹的形象…. 終於好不容易敖到爸爸開完會 總算可以帶著這隻惡魔逃離現場 看一看錶 才不過一個多小時 就已經快把媽咪的office拆了 也還好是下班時間 否則媽咪可能已經被吩咐收拾包袱回家了… 天阿 真不敢想像以後professional day帶懌恆來office會被他鬧到什麼地步呀@_@.... _________________________________________________________________



有時候實在很不能理解為什麼懌恆和昕儀就是不能夠好好相處 兩個小朋友 一個男生一個女生 相差兩個半月 應該是很可以玩在一起才對呀 但是每次他們只要一在一起就像是火星撞地球一樣 昕儀是個很女生的女生 她喜歡靜靜的玩她自己的 不管是畫圖或是玩洋娃娃 她總是靜靜的~只要懌恆離她遠遠的不”騷擾”她~ 但是懌恆就是喜歡去找昕儀一起玩 偏偏他是個很男生的男生 他玩得都很粗魯 久而久之昕儀每次一看到懌恆一靠近就先尖叫 懌恆看到這樣的情況覺得很有趣 心裡大概在想: 嘻嘻! 真好玩! 我只要一靠近她就會叫也^^ 最近更是不知道從哪裡學到一大堆惡作劇的技倆 譬如說 昕儀在玩的好好的或是在乖乖的畫圖 懌恆就去一把把她的紙抽起來後拔腿就跑 然後把圖畫紙丟到桌子底下讓哇哇叫的昕儀自己去撿 當然媽咪看到這種情形都會抓他過來訓斥一番 但是有用嗎? 當然是沒有! 同樣的場景每天都要上演好多次 有時實在是太過分了媽咪必須處罰他 他都會裝乖的說知道了記住了下次不可以 然後一跑開當然馬上又可以聽到昕儀尖叫@_@ 這樣看來昕儀實在好可憐 但是也不用太擔心啦 因為懌恆已經被入黑名單啦 所以昕儀會利用這一點反攻 有時後懌恆其實啥也沒做她就尖叫 這樣懌恆就會被處罰 大人們當然都知道他們的半斤八兩了 所以最好就是採取不理不干涉的政策 反正讓他們自己解決就好 有幾次媽咪看到懌恆臉上的抓痕和齒痕 不用說當然是兩個姊姊其中一個有意或是無意的傑作啦 都不知道是什麼時候弄到的 但是因為懌恆比較阿沙力 男人大丈夫一點點小傷何足掛齒 所以也就從來沒有反過來”懌恆被欺負的情形"啦 這樣看來,到底懌恆是吃香還是吃虧哩@_@! __________________________________________________________



一歳十個月的懌恆 講一句白一點的話 真的是越來越”人模人樣”了 哈哈 好像有點廢話…. 現在的他學會的東西真是每天以exponent的方式增加 想當初信誓旦旦說即使是上班媽咪也要持續給他寫日記 記下他每天的進展和生活點滴 現在不得不更改一下自己當初立下的promise 因為實在是太難啦 如果每天的新鮮事都要記下來那媽咪我乾脆不要上班 每天在家裡天昏地暗地寫日記就好了@_@ …..以上是媽咪為自己偷懶半個月沒寫日記的狡辯….. Anyway, 即使沒辦法每天記下detail 至少偶爾大綱式的紀錄還是要的啦 ________________________________________________________ ~~~一歳十個月的懌恆~~~ Standing height 86cm, weight 13.2kg, foot size 14cm. 平均每天晚上睡十個小時白天睡兩個小時 早午晚牛奶 / 羊奶 / 豆漿 +/- 750cc. 吃飯習慣進步多了 不過還是會吃得天一半地一半啦 食量不小 每頓大人的飯碗滿滿的飯和配菜外加一碗湯和水果 有時吃比媽咪還多.... 大部分的食物媽咪都沒有限制了 不過絕對不讓他吃垃圾食物,汽水,巧克力,糖果等等 Toilet train 目前還是Grade F minus @_@ 體能上~ 坐下時間一般, 大概每天最多兩個小時吧,就是早午晚餐和在車上的時間 很少走路….因為都用跑的…. 會立定跳離地面10cm….不過媽咪prefer他不要跳…因為好像大象在跳…. 會單腳站立數秒…不過常常作弊扶著就可以站一分鐘以上@_@.... 語言上~ 可以自己組合兩三句6~8個字的句子…有前因後果… 不過都是base on他自己的邏輯…@_@ 紀錄單字辭的懌恆語錄當然已經被懶惰媽咪冷凍起來了 現在他會的字彙有多少媽咪也不清楚了 真要記的話又是要花陣子 那就免了吧^^ 現在很愛唱歌 也很愛跟著唸童謠 流行歌也愛跟著唱 最愛唱的是 "I believe" 三字經還是那十來句....因為爸爸媽咪都沒有再背新的.... 最喜歡的童謠是~"大頭大頭 下雨不愁 人家有傘 我有大頭^^" social~ 很友善...有外交官的potential...到處強迫人家跟他打招呼... 去到哪裡都是笑咪咪的主動叫叔叔阿姨...尤其是漂亮姊姊 在daycare有幾個要好的朋友 懌恆大部分時間比較喜歡跟大小孩玩 覺得這樣比較有挑戰性 已經開始會調皮惡作劇...會耍小計兩捉弄人....@_@ 然後再哈哈大笑說"I trick you^^"



最近常到阿公阿嬤家吃飯 懌恆最開心不過了 因為他一直好想念臭蛋 每次都自問自答”臭蛋在哪裡? 臭蛋在姑姑家…” 現在每天來到一進門鞋子都還沒脫就忙著找臭蛋 有時候更可惡 竟然先跟臭蛋打招呼說”hello 臭蛋 我回來了!” 害媽咪每次都害怕看到阿公阿嬤臉上的三條線@_@ 接下來就會看見熱情的懌恆上前用他的方式跟臭蛋打招呼 先是用力的給牠一個熊抱 然後再趴在地上讓自己跟臭蛋一樣高好跟他臉對臉的對望 更熱情的時候還會學臭蛋撒嬌的方式用頭去頂牠直到把牠推倒為止… 一連串的打招呼之後 懌恆會進入主題 首先去檢查一下臭蛋今天吃什麼 當然都是千篇一律的”臭蛋吃cheerio” (臭蛋的飼料太像cheerio啦^^) 有時候臭蛋吃得地上都是 懌恆就會把臭蛋叫過來 有模有樣的一隻手插著腰,一只手指著地上的飼料說 ‘臭蛋! 你看看你! Yukky!” 懌恆也很注意臭蛋的均衡飲食 如果臭蛋一直吃cheerio懌恆就會提醒牠要喝水 吃完後懌恆就會叫臭蛋去”玩沙子”(進去沙箱poop poop) 有一次臭蛋從沙箱出來懌恆雞婆地去檢查牠的屁股 然後大聲的跟大家報告”臭蛋有poop poop!!” 其實牠看到的是臭蛋屁股上一塊深色的斑紋啦 他誤以為是poop poop了 有時候看到小姊姊靠近臭蛋的cheerio 懌恆會馬上阻止她: No! 那是臭蛋的cheerio! 懌恆真的很喜歡臭蛋喔 真的把牠當成good buddy了 有”好事”絕對不會漏掉牠 Halloween出去要完糖果回來懌恆也不忘跟臭蛋來個halloween招呼 兩隻手舉起來扮成monster的樣子 嘴裡還要發出低沉的聲音追著臭蛋滿屋子跑: “臭蛋! I scare you!” 自己玩球球玩的高興時候會叫臭蛋過來一齊玩’丟丟接’ 或是把球丟在臭蛋面前說 ”臭蛋,吃球球”…@_@ 可憐的臭蛋真是常常都給懌恆搞得一頭霧水 雖然大家都覺得臭蛋好可憐這樣被懌恆’欺負’ 但似乎當事者都不覺得唷 臭蛋還是愛來跟懌恆撒嬌 懌恆也總是最把臭蛋當作最好的Buddy 喔^^ ____________________________________________________________