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Echo letter

Dear Suney,

Last weekend, I have made a new friend. She always took her boy to the same 早餐店 on the weekend as we do. Her son is the same age as my older son. They are both 5.5 years old. They like to play together. For a few weekends, althogh the boys played together, we adults didn't talk with each other much. But last weekend, I have more conversation with her. She told me that her husband died when she was pregnant with their boy. I feel pitty for her. But I feel she went through strongly. That afternoon, I took my boys and she took her boy to a movie together and play skates. That was a lot of fun.

For some reasons, I think of you and Iris. And that night, I have dreamed of Iris. In the dream, I asked Iris that if she knows Suney has wrote some touching articles about you and attached with some photos of BZ. She said she knew...but she think Suney wants her 不要眷戀人間, Then it starts to rain.. Then she smiled and said good bye to me. Dear Suney, I hope it means that Iris is doing ok.