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返工囉(Back to work)

返工囉(Back to work)_img_1


It’s the seventh day that my husband can’t go to work, he was so lazy that sleep all day long until 5 in the evening. Sigh, I don’t like him being so lazy like that, and I don’t like him go out to drink at night much, yesterday night he went out for drink around 11pm and back home around 5am. I was super unhappy about that, it’s too late=_=
Luckily, my husband finally can go back to work tonight. He got a call around 8pm and then he said he have to go to work. So happy that he can go back to work tonight, because tomorrow I have a lot of laundry tomorrow, if he stay at home, I will have no time to rest tomorrow. And my daily schedule can back to normal finally. But I will miss the day that can stay will him all time, don’t know when he will have really holiday, sigh.
Chunchun was so happy today, since he went to nursery, he was running around the nursery and say hi to every teacher. Then when I picked him up fro m nursery, his teacher told me that he was super active today, whenever have babies back to nursery, he will hand with hand with them and walk around the nursery. Ah, he was very talkative today too, always talking, talking and talking (but no one know what he is talking about?_?).

返工囉(Back to work)_img_2