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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


返澳門囉(Back to Macau)_img_1

Super tired today, went to have lunch with my Auntie and Grandma around 11am. Because last night Chunchun didn’t felt well, so my Grandma didn’t play with him, so I had to take Chunchun to her to let them can spend some time together. So lucky, Chunchun act happy and active this morning, made my Grandma laughs^^ Chunchun drink water by himself and when he finished, he will said “water, water, give” to ask for more, and he was trying to use chop stick with funny face^O^
After lunch, my Grandma needs to back home immediately because my little cousin needs to finish her homework. Then my Auntie and us went to shop around in Prince Edward. Sigh, nothing I bought=_= only a few towel for bathroom and Chunchun, no clothes no shoes for myself. Really upset when I pass by the Fa Yuen Street, because I saw a t-shirt that I used over $100 to bought it, but in Fa Yuen Street it’s under $100>_< Sigh, I really don’t like shopping in Macau, not much choice and more expensive.
Around 2.30pm, I got a date with Vincent to go birthday gift for Kenny^^ Ha ha, so happy, he help me saved more than $300. When we first got into the store, the salesgirl keep selling me those expensive shaver, and surely whenever I ask her what is the different between the $1000 one and the $500 one, her model answer is “The $1000 one is a new model, got more function….” However when Vincent asked her the same question, her answer is “actually those 2 don’t have much different, just new model and old model, just one made in China, and one made in Germany.” Finally, that salesgirl gave us 4 different model $599, $699, $899 and $999 one to choose, what’s the different? $599 is an old model and made fro m China, $699 and $999 almost the same, but $999 got one more light to remind user that it’s battery low, and $899 was the most pretty one but exactly the same with the $699 one, just in different color=_=. Sigh, such a good salesgirl, all she sales me were the some brand name and same function just in different price. Hum, actually I was thinking the 699 one and 899 one, 699 one is more practical, but the 899 one is really beautiful in color…it’s a hard decision, should I pay 200 more for a beautiful color? While I was in meditate, Vincent made the decision for me, the 699 one is more suitable.
I went back my Grandma’s home around 4 something, and I just planned to rest a while, will back to Macau around 7pm. Chunchun was keep yelling “back to home”, “back to home”, ha, he is so cute that he want to go back to Macau^^

返澳門囉(Back to Macau)_img_2