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第一個學校假期(First Nursery’s Holiday)


第一個學校假期(First Nursery’s Holiday)_img_1


Today is the first Nursery’s holiday for Chunchun, since he started nursery there have no public holiday.
Hum, Chunchun woke up around 8am and Grandpa took him to the playground for a walk around 2 hours. After they came back, we decided to go to Chinese Restaurant to have lunch. Poor Kenny while we having lunch he got thousand called asked him stuff about work and he have to back to work after lunch=_= So Chunchun, Grandpa, Grandma and me came back home to take rest after lunch, boring day. Luckily, Kenny called me around 3pm and said we can go shopping for a while.
I guess Chunchun was quit boring today, today not like Saturday or Sunday I will take him to playground or New Yaohan; we only went to have lunch and stay home all day.

第一個學校假期(First Nursery’s Holiday)_img_2