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同爸爸食晚飯(Dinner with Papa)

同爸爸食晚飯(Dinner with Papa)_img_1

4點,又係接駿駿放學既時間,唉,今日駿駿放學都重係度搵公公喎..一出門口就叫”公公… 公公”咁..真係心痛啦..搞到我想要公公長期係度住,不過佢成日要睇醫生丫,而且我老爺都唔鍾意咁.於是我同駿駿係托兒所行去公園,又行返去托兒所再去公園喎.駿駿好似重係度搵緊公公>_<最後,我都行到累囉,唯有比粒糖駿駿等佢乖乖跟我行番屋企啦.其實我應該一早比糖佢食…只要佢扭計比糖比野食佢佢就冇事會聽話.

Hum, Kenny been super busy since the Chinese Mid-Autumn, he been over a week that didn’t came back for dinner, work until later night around 3am or 4am and went back to work around 9am everyday. Poor him and poor us, we really don’t have time spend together this week, but he do made good money on it.
And today, Kenny called me around 3pm and told me that he may have time come back for dinner tonight, because most of his clients will back to China this evening. I was so happy about it^^ we seem to have a long time no see, and he asked me not to cook, we will go out for dinner.
Picked Chunchun up around 4pm, sigh, Chunchun still looking for his Grandpa today in the front door of the nursery. Poor Chunchun keep calling “grandpa, grandpa” in the front door of the nursery, I really wish that my father can live with us longer, however he have to go to the doctor often in Hong Kong and my father-in-law don’t like us stay too close with my family side=_= We have to walk all the way to the playground; back to nursery, and to the playground, a big circle, it’s because Chunchun was looking for him Grandpa. Finally I was getting tired on walking around and around, I give one candy to Chunchun and he willing to walk back home immediately. Ha, I guess I should give him candy earlier, food or candy can solve every problem when Chunchun not listening to me.

同爸爸食晚飯(Dinner with Papa)_img_2