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忙碌的一天(Busy Day)

忙碌的一天(Busy Day)_img_1


I been very busy today, woke up on 8am, took Chunchun to nursery then started vacuum and wash the floor, do the laundry on the same time. After all done, I used “Dettol” disinfectant to clean up every toys of Chunchun. When I finished it all, it’s time for me to pick up Chunchun.
I brought my Digital Camera to the nursery today, because I always wanted to take photo of Chunchun playing in the playground of the nursery. Ha, when I got there, I saw Chunchun playing with a little girl…ha, how come Chunchun always play with girl? Chunchun’s teacher noticed me taking a camera, so she asked me to get inside the playground to take photo of Chunchun. So sweet that when Chunchun noticed me, he keep calling “Mama, Mama” and ran to me immediately. At first I want Chunchun to ride a bicycle, however he ran to the little tiny car. I took 2 photo of it. It’s quit hard to take photo there, because so many babies run around.
After I picked Chunchun up, we went to the bank to deposit for Kenny, ha, so happy that Kenny earn a lot this month, just he was super busy that we couldn’t see much. Hope later this month he will have more time to spend with Chunchun and me; I miss staying with him so much.
