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新屋定金(Earnest money for new home)

新屋定金(Earnest money for new home)_img_1


Hum, super sleepy this morning, because I went out with Kenny last night for food around 1am, and then back home to watch VCD until 2am. I was very tired but really happy to spend time with Kenny, it’s seems like a night dating for us. We been a long time that didn’t have any dating since Mid-Autumn, cause Kenny was busy at work.
After I took Chunchun to the nursery, I came back and took a nap until noontime. Kenny called me to take some document to him in the bank right after I woke up a few minutes, I still laying on my bed…haha. Hurry up to go to the bank, however, when I on the way to the back=_= Kenny called me and said that the document is no used now. Sigh, I went there for nothing, and when I got there, Kenny and his uncle drive me home. I was wishing that may be Kenny can have lunch with me when he called me…however, sigh~
So happy today, when I went to pick up Chunchun, Chunchun was on the bicycle, I finally took 3 picture of Chunchun ride on a bicycle. But there have so many babies around him=_= and I don’t know why one baby girl keep hugging Chunchun, so cutie.
After I picked up Chunchun, we went to the property agency to go site visit again and paid the earnest money for our new home. Ha, we finally rent the one I likes yesterday, the 2000fts one, have 3 big bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big kitchen with mate room (have little bathroom inside), a big living room and balcony, and now only rent for $6500 per month^^ However the repair of the wall, we have to do it ourselves, but that’s it ok because it’s not really big problem and will not cost a lot.
Hum, Chunchun seems to like there too, keep running around climb up to the sofa, open and close most of the drawer.

新屋定金(Earnest money for new home)_img_2
