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鍚鍚輝輝(Kiss Fai Fai)


Sigh, Chunchun still got very trouble this morning, no this t-shirt, no that trousers, not willing to wake up, don’t want to go to nursery, everything is a “no”. When we arrived Chunchun’s classroom, many babies came out to wait for Chunchun, Stephenie, Fai Fai and two other babies I didn’t know their name. Too many babies stand in front of the classroom, so I let Chunchun took off his shoes outside the classroom. It’s so funny that once I took off Chunchun’s shoes, Faifai came and picked up Chunchun’s shoes and place them in the shoes shelf for Chunchun; and when I asked Chunchun to say “thanks you” to Fai fai, Fai fai wanted to kiss Chunchun^^ Before I leave the nursery, I made Chunchun and Fai fai hand in hand back into their classroom. Ha ha, Fai Fai was only a month younger than Chunchun, but he really looks a lot a lot cutie than Chunchun and looks a lot smaller too, because Chunchun was taller than Faifai half of the head.
When I picked up Chunchun in the evening, Chunchun seems like an adorable baby, no more crying, no more “no”. He walked to supermarket himself and behaved himself as a good baby too. However when we back to home, Chunchun became so trouble again… crying and crying.