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新年啦(Chinese New Year)

新年啦(Chinese New Year)_img_1


Today is the first day of Chinese New Year, Kenny and I took Chunchun to my father-in-law’s home for a while then whole family went to a Chinese Restaurant to have lunch. My Grandparent and my mother went to Taipe to sightseeing and have lunch there. We planned to go walk around in the shopping area together after we finished lunch with my father-in-law.
Chunchun was so funny this afternoon, while we in the Chinese Restaurant. Chunchun’s Grandpa want to have a hug and wanted Chunchun to sit on him, however Chunchun was quite sleepy and sit on Papa at the moment so Chunchun not willing to go to Grandpa side. Then Grandpa took out the red pocket money and said if chunchun come to him, he would give Chunchun one more red pocket. Funny Chunchun suddenly awoke and ran to his Grandpa, have a sit on his Grandpa for around a few seconds; once he got the red pocket, he said, “No Grandpa, I want Papa” and ran back to Papa. We all laugh so hard, except Grandpa… so I asked Chunchun to give a kiss and say some lucky sentence to Grandpa to please him.

