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Went to McDonalds to have lunch with Chunchun this afternoon. At first we wanted to some restaurant near my home to have lunch, however they wouldn’t open until Saturday, so we have to went to the shopping area to have lunch.
While we having our lunch, because of the Chinese New Year, so many McDonalds’ staff were around, kept giving balloon, magnet and some little McDonalds’s Toy to children. Chunchun was so funny when the staff asks him what is his name; he kept pointing McDonalds on his baby’s highchair and telling people “McDonalds”. We laugh so hard about it, because it’s look like Chunchun called himself McDonalds. And once, the staff teach him other character’s name, he remember it, and whenever have people pass-by, he kept telling people, other character’s name.
After lunch we went to shop around, sigh, most of the store wouldn’t open until Saturday or Sunday. Luckily, we still can found something to buy^^ Grandma and I both bought a jean in the same store.