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太公太婆返香港啦(Great Grandparents back to Hong Kong)

太公太婆返香港啦(Great Grandparents back to Hong Kong)_img_1

去完超市買今晚既晚餐之後,我地就返左屋企整芝士餅啦.駿駿都幾幫得手^^佢幫我整碎晒d消化餅,又幫我將d材料攪埋一齊喎.不過呢…佢成日偷食=_=都未整好就成日用手指點d 芝士黎食.整完芝士餅,我地就去左公園玩一陣啦.唔想佢太掛住太公太婆,唯有成日keep住佢有野玩,有野做.

My Grandparents went back to Hong Kong this morning, after my Grandma took Chunchun to the nursery. And then they waited for me to wake up to drive them to the ferry terminal.
Sigh, I always said that they spoiled Chunchun too much, and today, I think I got spoiled from them too. It''s so quiet when I back home alone, felt lonely suddenly. My Grandparents had been staying in Macau almost a month to take care Chunchun and me. I just too used to stay with them, because they would help me to do all the housework and cooking, I was became a little lazy girl again, only sleep and eat and play for the pass few week. And today, everything were back to normal, I have to do the housework myself, I have to cook dinner for Chunchun, Kenny and myself, have to take care Chunchun on my own.
I been thinking all afternoon, will Chunchun cry when he come back home with his great Grandparents? Will he become super naughty after my Grandparents leave? The answer are no, he was so lovely today. When I went to pick him up, I notice that all the babies made their own Mother Day''s card to their Mama ^ ^ And when Chunchun notice me was there waiting to pick him up, he ran to me and told me he miss me.
We went to supermarket to buy stuff for dinner, and then back home to make cheesecake together. Chunchun was so helpful today; he helped me to crush the biscuits and helped me to mix the cheese and cream. It''s just too bad that he kept eaten secretly while he’s helping me=_= We finished around 6.15pm and then we went to playground for a while. I wanted to keep Chunchun busy, made him forget about great Grandparents.
Chunchun really miss my Grandparents so much, when we came back from the park, Chunchun said “great Grandpa cooking dinner” and kept yelling “great Grandma open the door please” in the hall way. He’s look so poor when he kept seeking for great Grandparent. At night, when we ready for bed, Chunchun started to ask for great Grandma again=_= I had to made a call to great Grandma to let Chunchun said “goodnight” to her before Chunchun went to bed.
