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中午時同太婆一齊去接駿駿放學,我地今日又搵到位泊車丫,但係係泊係巴士站度…會比人炒牌架… 泊好車就跑去接駿駿放學再去文書部度同駿駿買校服,之後就火速返上車啦.再去接爸爸一齊返屋企食飯^^

Hum, today was the first time that I drive Chunchun to kindergarten, but this is not a good starts>_< Chunchun late for him class… Sigh, I hate it, I hated to be late; however, Papa didn’t care about that… I been telling him when we must leave, if not Chunchun will be late; but he still prepare himself in a slow motion>_<
Went to pick up Chunchun around noontime with great Grandma, it’s so lucky we got a parking space again… haha, but it’s an illegal one… I just park my car in the bus stop. Run to the kindergarten to pick up Chunchun and then went to the office to buy the uniform for Chunchun. After picked up Chunchun, we went to pick up Papa to back home for lunch^^
Chunchun was doing a great job on quitting diapers since his teacher and I started to train him together at kindergarten and home. However, he still wet his pants tonight while I playing with him>_< sigh, we just playing in my room, the bathroom was next to us…wonder why Chunchun didn’t tell me he need to pee this time?