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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

今日又係返澳門之前,下午自己去左行街買野啦.唉~本來我應該係約左Ida一齊食午飯行街街架,點知佢今早打比我話佢唔舒服要去睇醫生…唔同得我去街囉喎,唯有自己一個去啦>_<不過一開始我都見唔到有d乜野好買,可能得一個人心情唔太好啦.到爸爸打比我叫我幫佢買野,我先有心情行街街.哈,我終於都買左個Hello Kitty既收音機啦,好耐之前睇過想買架啦,但係之前又唔捨得買喎,今次埋爸爸數就即買啦^^

Went shopping alone this afternoon to see anything nice that I could buy before we back to Macau tonight. Sigh, at first I should have lunch and shop around with Ida this afternoon, however, she called me this morning that she have to go to the doctor… so I have to go shopping alone>_< I couldn’t find anything nice to buy today, until Papa called me. Haha, he asked me to buy a new mobile for him, so that I could bought the Hello Kitty’s Clock Radio^O^ I wanted to buy it a long time ago!
Back home around 5pm something and then prepare to go to pier with Chunchun. Arrived to the pier around 6.30pm and got on the 6.45pm ferry. So tired, we back home around 8pm something, and then went to have dinner with Papa.