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遲來的Boxing Day(Late Boxing Day)


Sigh, I been over a week didn’t wake up before 9am, and today, I have to woke up around 8.30am to prepare to take Chunchun to Drawing Class on 10am. Chunchun didn’t wake up until 9pm, and I gave him breakfast after he finished his milk^^ So happy that recently he request for breakfast after finished his milk.
Arrived to Drawing Class on 10.05am, we were late actually, however we still were the first student to arrive, and maybe most of the parents like me didn’t used to wake up early after long holiday…haha. Chunchun decided to draw Piglet today, because last time he draws tiger. Chunchun was doing a great job today; he could draw 70% of the outline when teacher taught him to follow her drawing. And then she help Chunchun to draw the outline on his drawing book^^ I didn’t do much today, just to pick color with Chunchun, what color for hat and muffler etc.
Back home before noontime and then started to prepare lunch. We bicycle to playground to play for a while before lunch, because Papa promised Chunchun yesterday. . So happy we have so many family time recently, but wonder when Papa’s company will make money~_~ Chunchun nap after lunch, and I was busy with my laundry and cleaning bathroom>_<
Went to pick up Grandma from pier on 7.30pm and then back home to have hot pot dinner for New Year ^O^ After dinner, it’s late boxing day for Chunchun, because we didn’t came back until Dec 27 we already missed boxing day, and Chunchun still have a lot of Christmas’s gift in Hong Kong, so we decided not to let Chunchun open his gifts until Grandma come. Didn’t count how many gifts Chunchun got, but still have some leaving in Hong Kong… Chunchun really have too much toys, some of them only play for a few time and then kept it in the box. Wonder to find a way to sales it out, most of them are 90% new…

