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學校生日會(Birthday Party at School)

大約4點就去到新八佰伴啦,原本我係諗住買d Keroro玩具比駿駿同學架,因為我見佢送比駿駿既聖誕卡都係Keroro既…但係駿駿話佢同學鍾意超人多d…最後我地就買左超人玩具啦..希望佢同學仔真係會鍾意啦

Chunchun didn’t have to wear uniform today, because today is Birthday Party for students who born in November, December and January^^ Chunchun woke up around 7am this morning, may be because Grandma leave early this morning, or he was exciting about birthday party…
Since Chunchun have to go to classmate’s birthday party on Saturday, Papa went to pick up Chunchun with me and planned to took Chunchun to New Yaohan to buy gift for his classmate^^ When I went to pick up Chunchun today, he was so happy and carrying an red egg and a bag of snacks… Chunchun said he was very happy today, ate a lot of snacks, having a Keroro birthday cake, played a lot of games… Wish that I was there to take photo for him. Hum, just remember that his teacher didn’t give me photo of picnic, X’mas party…sigh~
Arrived to New Yaohan around 4pm, at first we wanted to buy some Keroro stuff for his classmate, but then Chunchun choose to buy Ultraman’s toys for his classmate… hope that he will like it.