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準備考試囉(Prepare for Exam)


Went to library this morning with Chunchun, today was the last day to go to library for the first school term… and then next week will be exam week then starts the second school term. Silly Chunchun forget that we can’t borrow story book today, when teacher asked all kids to queue up for classroom, he ran to the book shelf immediately and wanted to seek for a book to borrow. He was quite disappointed when I told him that we couldn’t borrow story book today, but he was a good boy that didn’t yelling for crying for story book^^
Happy day for me, because Chunchun didn’t have homework to do today^^ we just spent around half hour on studying, and then we watched TV and went to Papa office together. Hum, usually I won’t study with Chunchun on Saturday and Sunday, but this Saturday and Sunday, I have to study with him because Exam week is coming, wonder will Chunchun being a good boy study hard with me?