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冇得去畫畫班丫(No Drawing Class)


Didn’t go to drawing class this morning, since yesterday night we didn’t go to bed until midnight=_=; We woke up around 9am, actually if I want to go to drawing class we still can make it on time, however, Chunchun was just too naughty yesterday… Papa and I decided to let him stay home all day.
Study with Chunchun around 10.30am something after we finished our breakfast… Hum, Chunchun seem to be more cooperate today, maybe he learn to be good from yesterday punishment. Prepare for lunch after studying and let Chunchun to rest for a while, he chose to do some coloring, haha, he want to go to drawing class today.
Nap together after lunch, and woke up around 4pm something, since Chunchun didn’t have nice hand writing, I made him to write after nap… just didn’t want he can’t got full mark from his dictation because of his hand writing not nice enough~_~ Study again after his watched one cartoon and then we went to supermarket together… sigh, it’s hard to stay in home all day, I will feel super boring>_<